a little sorry

Tamara 2022-03-24 09:02:03

When I was in elementary school, I read Verne's science fiction stories, and I was most impressed by the story of Journey to the Center of the Earth. I always wondered how good this story would be if it were true.
I watched the adaptation of Mystery Island today. If we talk about computer special effects, there have been too many Hollywood special effects movies in recent years. The special effects of this movie are not surprising, but sometimes it makes me feel a little fake. In terms of plot, it is not a 100% adaptation, but only part of the adaptation, which is a pity for a person who likes the original novel very much.
But overall, the movie is still worth watching

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Extended Reading

Journey 2: The Mysterious Island quotes

  • Hank: [fighting a giant lizard with a flare] Not now, Sean. She's scared!

    Sean: No, it's cold-blooded and it's attracted to heat.

    [the lizard bites the flare]

    Hank: That's emasculating.

    Sean: Now what?

    Hank: Now there's only one thing left. The thunder cookie.

    [clenching his fist at the giant lizard and punches it]

    Hank: I think I just made it worse.

    [the lizard growls at them]

    Kailani: Hope she doesn't like Polynesian food.

    Gabato: I hope she doesn't like food with poop in its pants!

  • Hank: It takes a big man to play a little guitar.

    Alexander: And a bigger one to listen.