may you have love

Taryn 2022-03-23 09:02:43


The title of the film is translated as "Spring Heart Ripple", which is really sweaty, but after watching CAST, Meryl Streep and Uma Thurman, I decided to watch it. Two natural and elegant women make me want to watch such a simple movie.

She is 37 years old and has just come out of a broken marriage. She is exquisitely dressed, has a group of UPPER CLASS friends, a big house, a job in the art circle and a lonely heart. I hope to have a child, but I don't know if I can have another relationship.
He is 23 years old, handsome Jewish guy and homeless, artistic talent is not regarded as a living ability in a traditional family, often ROUTINE is to drive dog friends to his ex-girlfriend's door and shoot the girl in him After a creamy face, let him run away - still a child, after all.

Sister and brother love, year-end love, youth and maturity have become irresistible temptations. Can't say enough joy, PUREJOY, so many lovely sexy crazy warm moments. Her outfits ranged from dejected shirts to high-spirited suspenders and denim, and she couldn't hide the smile in the corners of her eyes. And he, because of her, began to get the opportunity to be discovered, and more importantly, the courage to pursue his dream.

There is no obstacle that can't be overcome. Although she needs to seek a psychiatrist for her guilt in every step, love is always so confusing. Even his embarrassed mother still smiles SAY HELLO as naturally as possible when they come to eat at home, although as her psychiatrist and his mother, she was so uncomfortable with such feelings, she still understands such a share Feelings, feelings that are destined to have no results, are not worth cherishing. He finally had the courage to take responsibility, and said at the moment of intimacy: I want to give you a child, what you have always wanted most. She finally refused more bravely, saying that I already have you, the most precious gift.

Always feel that THE MOMENT OF TRUTH, which is a test of a broken-up relationship, is a reunion after the separation, is it a bad word, is it being generous or pretending to be a stranger? I never knew there would be a more heartfelt result than a reunion: it was winter, or it was Christmas, a festival of sharing and gratitude. He saw her through the glass outside the door of a certain tavern, and her eyes were also surprised and tender because of him at that moment. No one took another step,
and no words were needed to prove it, because all the happiness was sealed in the memory. When the song at the end sounded softly, the snowflakes fell silently, and the song sounded softly, we all smiled and nodded, loved and really happy, instead of saying goodbye, we said thank you. On any cold day, you will know that there is a concern that can be used to warm your heart. Maybe, the future life trajectories will not intersect again, BUT I WISH U LOVED.

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