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Really really sweet movie
Reid 2022-03-23 09:03:12
Sven Skoogh: Shouldn't you get some sleep?
Patrik Eriksson: So you'll get a chance to rape me?
Sven Skoogh: Maybe you can't sleep.
Patrik Eriksson: Try anything and I'll get you.
Sven Skoogh: You talk tough but you're so scared you can't even sleep.
Patrik Eriksson: You know, I kicked a homo in the face once. He was on the ground, bleeding, and I laughed my fucking head off.
Göran Skoogh: What did your dad look like?
[no response]
Göran Skoogh: What about your mother?
Patrik Eriksson: Like a strung-out old whore.
Göran Skoogh: Patrik!
Patrik Eriksson: Well, that's what she was. And my dad can't have been much better. Or maybe he paid to screw her. I don't know.