Can't we leave some blank space for the future?

Daphney 2022-03-24 09:02:04

For the future, I think everyone should have their own set of understanding and yearning. In my imagination, the world may one day become a family, and all those pesky arms dealers will be wiped out by kind people. There will be no more wars, no hunger, no more class divisions, and some harmony and warmth. I really I have always thought this way, and I also know how naive my thinking is. Once in middle school, when the politics teacher said that China would one day realize communism, most of the classmates were skeptical, yes, oh, Such a beautiful future, but when will it be realized, maybe there will be such a day, who knows, and whether we will live to that day.

Well, I digress, but I feel very lost after watching this film. It happened in the future, and it happened in the beautiful future I yearn for. However, the plot hit me, really Yes, why do human beings love to "fight" so much? Why are men so impulsive and violent? If there is an end of the world, I think it is also caused by the self-destruction of human beings. The characteristic is that "people are not enough to swallow elephants".

Ah, I digress again, I want to say, this film is a bit perverted, the future is unknown, human beings are very smart, the spirit of all things, how can they choose to kill themselves, does it mean that violence will exist no matter what age, no matter the technology How developed, can the ugly side of human nature not be changed?

Why can't this screenwriter give people some good imagination of the future? They say it's a sci-fi film. Can you make some curious and beautiful discoveries? The plot is actually bad, bad enough to make me complain so much .

Sci-fi writers, let your imagination run wild, okay? Leave some blank reverie for our future, after all, the reality is cruel, let us have a little motivation to imagine!

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Lockout quotes

  • Alex: [cocking gun] Don't move.

    Snow: Oh God, I hate that.

  • Snow: I didn't get the girl.

    Harry Shaw: Ain't that the story of your life?