You are the blossom of a tree

Malvina 2022-03-23 09:02:43

I watched a movie last night, called Prime. Chinese translation: Spring Heart Ripple. I don't like the translation and would rather call it the best time. Prime, the most primitive, also means spring. Spring is the best season of the four seasons, and when I met you, it was the best time of my life.

He was 23, she was 37. And they met, fell in love.

They didn't meet at the most beautiful moment, but because of each other, they had a gentle and mellow time, which could stand the age and be unforgettable.

Dave is young, full of energy, and still confused about his future and career; Rafi is mature and charming. In fact, she saw all kinds of difficulties between them early in the morning, race, religion, age... But she met him, and she didn't care. In the face of true love, reason and everything are clouds. They met and fell in love, it was that simple, gentle and sweet.

However, things are not so simple. There have always been issues of age, religion and race between them. Dave dared not take Rafi to meet his family. Dave's family is a serious Jewish family. If something goes beyond their duty, it is unacceptable to them. In addition to these problems, 37-year-old Rafi wants a Babe, and her time is running out...

In the year they met and fell in love, they encountered all kinds of difficulties, including Dave's mother's concealment and opposition at first, Couldn't separate them. Maybe for Dave, this is not a problem. In order to prove his love for her, he even planned to promise her a Babe to prove his affection. However, the gentle and kind Rafi refuses, because she understands that this is unfair to Dave.

As Dave's mother said: Love is not always enough. Sometimes you love, and you learnt, and you..move on.

A warm ending, sad and warm. The love I have ever had is the warmest and most profound.

You are the blossom of every tree,
It was the best time I have ever had.

Looking at each other in silence, the
years are quiet.
I wish you love.

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Prime quotes

  • David Bloomberg: We're gonna have vacation sex tonight!

    Rafi Gardet: ... What is vacation sex, Dave?

    David Bloomberg: I don't know, but you're gonna get it, girl.

  • David Bloomberg: [dog barks at David and pepper spray is sprayed in his eyes from the collar] Ahhhh!

    Rafi Gardet: Oh, my God! Are you OK?

    David Bloomberg: Yeah, I think I'm blind.

    Rafi Gardet: Oh no, better call the pediatrician!