Is it the happiness of the mortal or the misfortune of the great

Eloise 2022-03-23 09:02:57

I believe that both Sophia and Chertkov love him. It's just that they love in different ways from different positions, and their love in different roles is mixed with too much utilitarian private love, which has become a burden for Lev.
As a writer, prophet, and prophet who was worshipped like a god at that time, it seemed that Lev was the most beautiful. However, in such a powerless situation, his scenery was superficial and used for others to see. , what I really felt was the greatest sorrow surrounding the last moments of his life.
People who claim to support Tolstoyism are trying their best to enrich this complex theoretical system, but I don't think they really understand the true connotation of Tolstoyism. The pursuit of love, happiness, freedom, and equality is absolutely not. It is as simple as talking about writing on paper, and more importantly, combining knowledge and action, applying theoretical ideas to real life, and making it a better art to know people's lives, can be regarded as true understanding. Sex is an important topic in Lev's work, and Lev's theoretical system never excludes sex, on the contrary, he considers it to be part of the pursuit of happiness. When Volenti and Martha fell in love with each other, Tolstoyists represented by Cheltkov denounced it, as if it was a betrayal of their belief in Tolstoyism.
Perhaps as Tolstoyists, what they have done is just to record the precious thoughts of the following people for human beings, and that's all, they can't even say that they have understood the true meaning of Tolstoyism. As for the application and even implementation of this kind of thing, it can only be left to others. From this point of view, they seem to be veritable "theoreticians" again. The people who have worked their entire lives for this movement - the public ownership of Tolstoy's works - have their own greatness. It is undeniable that the kind of heart that cares about everyone and inherits spiritual wealth is admirable, but sometimes their approach is a bit inhumane. All for this great movement, even at the expense of Lev's feelings. The paranoid, manic and selfish Sophia really loves Lev. The love of family (wife) is an important part of Lev's life, and it is also the driving force that inspires Lev's thoughts and supports Lev's creation. Talking again and again, disregarding the feelings of Lev’s family, urging Lev to abolish a new will, inciting Lev to run away from home, and even preventing Lev from meeting his wife when he was critically ill... Until the end, the long journey and the love for his wife. Missing made his physical condition worse and worse, and the great Leo Tolstoy died on his last leg in Russia.
Compared with the admirers who profess to be a Tolstoyist, it is often his wife who really understands Lev—the hateful and pitiful Sophia, undeniably, as an ordinary man. A housewife, her body is permeated with the common disease of human beings-selfishness, narrow-mindedness and greed, so she does not have a great heart to tolerate the noble thing of giving up herself for the welfare of mankind, giving up a small family and caring for everyone. But thinking about it carefully, as a mother of eight children, who is used to the life of a countess, she just wants to secure a life for herself and her descendants, a benefit that she might have had, what is it worth? Blame it? She's just not worthy of praise, but not worthy of criticism. As Lev puts it: "She's just there for the well-being of the family."
"I'll always be your little hen, you'll always be my big cock, always, always." In her old age, she was still like a child, always asking him over and over: "Do you love me? Do you love me?" Me?" Although she knew that what was waiting for her was the same answer - love. Come to think of it, she must love him. When he was young, he only suggested a word to her, and she could express what he thought completely and accurately; when she was old, she still pretended to be sick like a child to deceive him back to him and act like a spoiled child; she said that she knew best He's still himself, he says sorry and walks away as his supporters play his sermon to flatter him, and when she puts on their favorite tune for him, he stops walking away and turns his head , smiled happily. Yes, he is a god in the hearts of the people, a great prophet and prophet, but he is also the husband of an ordinary wife, a loner who longs for the warmth of a family; what he wants is not honor, not wealth, not title, not worship. , just the love of the family (wife), this love makes him warm, makes him not feel lonely, and let him write quietly. Forty years of company, they have gone through countless ups and downs together, and now, this love is a kind of understanding, a tacit understanding, a kind of mutual acquaintance.
Sofia loved Leo Tolstoy, but she also loved herself, her children, and her family. Her love for Lev is mixed with too many chaotic factors, so many responsibilities make her unable to take care of it, coupled with her own irritable temper and paranoid personality, she is destined to be doomed again and again while loving herself, children and family. of hurting Lev. Whether she is Lev's bosom friend or a countess, she can't escape the role of a woman in the end. She is always noisy, frantic and troublesome, easily excited, and doesn't know how to control her words and deeds... As everyone knows, she is like a hedgehog ready to fight at any time, making him want to love her but not dare to love her, as soon as he gets close , it hurts, she can only make him feel colder and farther away... Since she can understand his ideal pursuit, but why, people who can understand him want to donate Do you not understand him on the issue of publishing rights?
Sofia and Chertkov, like two ropes, one pulling on the other, did their best to pull Lev to their side. Poor Lev, in the end, could only be the victim of this tug-of-war, caught in a dilemma. As Chertkov said to Sofia: "We all love him, he needs a quiet environment."
There has always been a feeling that Volenti and Martha seem to be the epitome of Lev and Sophia in their youth. I think if it weren't for that night, the two of them might not have discovered the hidden love in their hearts, and it was the sexual exchange that made them find each other. Sex does not necessarily come after love, love thrives after communication, and sex is also a way of exchange, certain mysterious messages, indescribable feelings, because there is communication and response to each other, and thus love is born. United by love, love by union. Volenti and his lover, in their own way, pursue the happiness, freedom and love they understand.

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The Last Station quotes

  • Sofya Tolstaya: Oh, Leovochka, why do you insist on dressing like that?

    Leo Tolstoy: What do you mean, like what?

    Sofya Tolstaya: Like a man who looks after the sheep!

    Leo Tolstoy: It wasn't meant to offend you.

    Sofya Tolstaya: You're a count, for God's sake!

  • Leo Tolstoy: Despite good cause for it, I have never stopped loving you.

    Sofya Tolstaya: Of course.

    Leo Tolstoy: But God knows you don't make it easy!

    Sofya Tolstaya: Why should it be easy? I am the work of your life, you are the work of mine. That's what love is!