Not suspense, but connotation.

Cleve 2022-03-24 09:02:29

A debate about "sin" and "redemption".

Judging from the film structure alone, many people will interpret "Sin" as a suspense or a drama, but I feel that the morality it expresses is the real center.

The film uses 1 hour to tell about "sin", and only the last 20 minutes of deciphering the truth and then "atonement", I think it is the most appropriate editing skills, even if many people complain, but you are willing to watch a movie with 1 An hour long to tell the truth about the protagonist's tirade because of his teenage mistakes?

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What is the metaphor left behind in the final film?
Rachel Singer wrote a letter to journalist Yuri Tiov, hoping that the truth will come to light. But why is this? Also, what was the reason for David's death?
In fact, the previous "criminal" plot has been completely omitted.

David and Rachel were the main reasons for the whole thing, but Stephan wanted to run away with Dieter Vogel when the mission leaked, regardless of Rachel's life, but David saved Rachel's life and forced the three to stay Germany.

Rachel owes David his life.

Then Dieter Vogel ran away, because David couldn't control his anger, causing Dieter Vogel to take advantage of the opportunity to escape. The situation intensified. In order to protect his reputation, Stephan came up with a way to bury the truth of the matter. David felt very guilty, so he agreed. Seeing David agree, Rachel had no choice but to agree.

Rachel returned David favor.

Not only that, when the three returned to the motherland, Rachel also lived in a lie again and again - giving speeches everywhere, drinking and smoking. But the biggest lie is that Rachel doesn't love Stephan, just because she is pregnant with his child, she really loves David.

David then disappears to find out where Dieter Vogel escaped. After finding out his current residence, he returned to the motherland to meet Rachel, and wanted to make the truth public, so that this lie weaved for 30 years would end. However Rachel disagreed, because of her own and her daughter's honor.

David then killed himself, protecting Rachel because he didn't want to live in the sin of this lie any longer, and his death would leave the truth unknown.

When Rachel saw the fake Dieter Vogel in a mental hospital alone, she really woke up and made a real decision to publish the lie that has suppressed her for 30 years. Even if her life and reputation will be affected, she must restore her original pursuit of Dieter Vogel. heart.

If we just killed Dieter Vogel, we could have done it 30 years ago, but we are not butchers or Nazis, we must restore justice to the world, and true judgment is the greatest peace of mind.

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Extended Reading

The Debt quotes

  • Stephan Gold: I thought I'd been punished already.

    Rachel Singer: God doesn't plant car bombs.

  • Young David: This isn't medicine. This is sickness. This is disease.