It's always easier to destroy than to build

Cindy 2022-10-24 17:49:36

The first thing I want to say is that I do not intend to imply any reality in this review, please don't make more associations.

About a week after it aired, I picked up and watched "The 112th Congress," episode 03 of season one of The Newsroom. The discussion on Weibo for this episode was mixed, in fact, after the small loss in episode 02, I am also worried that episode 03 will see a bigger drop in level. In fact, the blood level of episode 03 is not lower than that of episode 01. And compared to episode 01, the writers raised another possibility after attacking one reality.

Before writing a review, it's worth discussing my thoughts on the Tea Party in America. In fact, when this loose political organization came out, many Americans were supportive of it. After all, the founding of the United States began with the Boston Tea Party, so the "Tea Party", which claimed to be the successor of the "Tea Party", naturally won the support of many people. Moreover, compared with traditional politicians, Tea Party politicians frequently use Twitter, Facebook and YouTube for publicity, and their people-friendly image is far better than that of ordinary politicians. This reminds me of the AKB48 group in Japan. If AKB48 is an "idol who can face face to face", then the Tea Party is undoubtedly the AKB48 in the political world, and they are also a group of politicians who can face face to face.

The political demands of the Tea Party are actually very simple. They believe that the United States no longer belongs to the American people, but to some interest groups and politicians. In fact, this makes me feel quite ridiculous. Hasn't the United States always respected "elite politics" and "representative politics"? When did the American people suddenly realize that their right to vote is not so perfect? And what's even more ridiculous is that most of the politicians elected by the Tea Party have no governing philosophy. Their point of view is to overthrow the government and stink Obama... This reminds me of China's Cultural Revolution. The US Congress is controlled by a handful of people. In the hands of the capitalist faction, the broad masses of young revolutionary generals will rise up to rebel against them. But the problem is that China's practice has proved that the Cultural Revolution will not work. Why is the United States suffering?

And the most ridiculous thing is that the American Tea Party first appeared as a radical Democratic Party. What happened? They're a bunch of ultra-conservatives that are more conservative than conservative Republicans...they're against granting human rights to LGBT people, they're against respect for people of color, they're against free abortion...they're even against the minimum wage and advocating that parts of the US have been banned controlled by Islamic extremism. In short, the purpose of the Tea Party is to scare American citizens that if you don't elect us, you will be ruled by Satan. But everyone knows that the Tea Party is not much more righteous than Satan... Of course, the most important thing is that the Tea Party members in the United States are a group of politicians who only destroy, but do not understand construction. Indeed, it is always easier to destroy than to build. Therefore, for politicians, destruction is easier to achieve political achievements than construction... But, if the United States really has a movement to "destroy the four olds" and "eradicate the black five", is the United States still the United States?

Let's talk about this episode.

In The White House, President Butler is a liberal Democratic president. But for the sake of his country, he will still choose to cooperate with the Republican Party. Whether it’s President Butler himself, Chief of Staff Leo Magari or Deputy Chief of Staff Josh, they don’t think that when the Democratic team enters the White House, it means that the country belongs to the Democratic Party. In "The 25th Amendment," Season 4, Season 4, "The 25th Amendment," President Butler faced a conflict between his position and his identity when his youngest daughter was kidnapped by terrorists abroad. According to the national policy of the United States, the United States will not negotiate or compromise with any terrorists, but as a father, he cannot speak such words in person. So President Butler signed an executive order in that episode, invoking the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and temporarily relinquishing the presidency. Even if the vice presidency was vacant at the time, the third-in-line successor was a conservative Republican. But in the face of the country, President Butler still fulfills the responsibilities that the people have entrusted to him.

In "Newsroom", anchor McAvoy is a moderate Republican news anchor who loves Republican political ideas and the American political system. Although the Tea Party is in fact a political organization concocted by the extreme conservatives of the Republican Party, in order to defend the political philosophy and the Constitution, the McAvoy team truthfully exposed the face of the Tea Party in the news program and criticized the elected American Tea Party. political figure. Even if it means his news show may be abandoned by the TV station.

There's a Republican blonde girl in "The White House" that stands out to me, even though she's not liked by most people in the White House. But the president and chief of staff decided to keep her because they thought she loved the country and the government needed someone like that to serve. She cannot be excluded from the government because of her party. And this girl also told her Republican friends that she does not agree with the Democrats and believes that everyone can criticize their governing philosophy, but they cannot attack these Democrats for being unpatriotic.

And in the "Newsroom" there is a similar person, a senior Republican congressman who actually lost the primary election to a fledgling dentist. Just one member of the House of Representatives who refused to personally attack the President of the United States to maintain his political grace. But voters don't like this. They put labels such as socialists and communists on the president of the United States. (Comrade Ou Guanhai, you have worked hard!) More importantly, the Republican congressman was considered betrayal because he signed a bill with the Democratic congressman, but he did not know that the bill was to help homeless veterans.

In this episode, Jane Fonda makes an appearance. At present, she will be the biggest obstacle to McAvoy's news reform.

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