I just keep a copy of each episode's short reviews【E05

Zion 2022-12-17 10:11:16

Laymen watch the fun, and insiders watch the doorway~ I have nothing to do with news at all. I know a little about public American TV dramas, and the little friends who have only started to contact cable TV American TV dramas. Just write about the feeling of watching each episode~ ~~

I have a crush on the heroine. Before, she used to play soy sauce in various movies, but she has become mature in the past two years and I like her! The whole first episode is quite enjoyable. It's like a small movie. It's not bad~~

This episode doesn't have the first episode, so it feels a little bit worse, because after all, the news of this episode is a failure. ...when I saw Mac started sending emails to people, I said goodbye in my heart...It turned out to be really bloody...("▔□▔)Eh.
I saw a comment before that Alan Sorkin had a crush on Mr. The love of dialogue will ruin his drama, this episode feels a little... but I also saw the opposite opinion, I think this episode is more witty and interesting, not as preachy as the first episode. (It's just watching If you like it, you will watch it, and if you don't like it, you won't watch it, right)

I don't understand this episode very well... Is it related to everyone's subtitles? (I'm talking nonsense = =) I feel The subject matter is more difficult to understand. I only know that the tea party finally annoyed the upper class... Later, I found out that the actor of Leona was Jane Fonda.
This episode is relatively indifferent and has nothing to say. I just want to say that Jim and the Indian brother Neal is the true love 嘤嘤嘤~~~

This episode is so gossip... I know the theme is this, but it's really gossip... Everyone in the office is in full bloom, and everyone is in love~ Finally The part of the story reveals that Will's unfortunate hit is a very powerful target for a high-level attack (is it true?), and finally there is an urgent news to wrap up the whole story. The atmosphere is very moving, but I always feel a little perfunctory. ..whatever
[Also: I always thought that Jim and Maggie would get together soon, but looking at Don, he will be in this drama for a long time, and he will be with Maggie for a long time...

Indian boy is so cute! ! It is said to be the generation of skins? Bigfoot is so cute throughout the entire episode! ! !
This episode of gossip continues the content of the previous episode. The plot of Will helping Kenzie to pay the protection fee is too...(⊙﹏⊙) But the top management was defeated like this?
In this episode, Rudy is used to sensationalize, the effect is good, but the purpose is too obvious... The plot of the reporter being injured and trying to save Kahlid is a bit old-fashioned... But it's better to compare
[Kenzie broke up~Will you You've already paid for the protection and admitted to Charlie that you're still in love~so? What's next? In the end, don't be together anymore...
The female characters in this play are more adorable than the other. Kenzie, the long-legged beauty postdoctoral fellow in economics, and Maggie, I really like it~~~
(who said that the male characters are not cute, Jim and Neal are a good pair XD)

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