yesterday's news ideal

Imogene 2022-09-18 15:00:23

Doing news pays attention to timeliness, but such a story about a newsroom is full of nostalgic atmosphere. From the beginning of the film, it starts to cherish the era of the tall image of the anchor. It's just that in this era when young people only listen to John Stewart's complaints about news, the authority of nighttime news anchors has already declined, and it is simply against the sky to rely on a single anchor to bring back news ethics and news ideals. Even if the lines are long, spoken quickly, and the momentum is sturdy, it cannot hide the weakness of the plot itself.

The story is set in the New York City news program Atlantis Cable News (ACN), which is suspected of insinuating CNN. For example, on the night of the BP oil spill in EP01, CNN focused on the report that someone lost a model iPhone in a hotel. And ignore BP's big headlines; in fact, CNN has been very "powerful" recently. Just last week, there was a scandal of misreporting news in order to grab news. When announcing whether the Supreme Court passed Obama's health care reform bill, and FOX preemptively reported the bill It was not passed, and then the consequences of not passing it were discussed righteously. After 7 minutes of eloquence, after the voters who supported Obama muttered a circle of swearing, CNN realized that the wrong news was reported and the bill passed. And these are not just the problems of CNN. The way the mainstream American media reports news is changing, and the audience's information on digesting news is also changing. Such a TV series that tries to bring the enthusiasm and ideals of news back to the audience can only say that The starting point is good, but it is difficult to resonate with people, especially with such a role setting:

Will is a prime rating anchor, but he is a big name and is considered to be arrogant and arrogant, so his colleagues in the program team avoided him by three points. Transfer group, including executive producer Don, who Will single-handedly picked up. With trust in Will and enthusiasm for the authenticity of the news, Charlie, the boss of the news department, recruited the gold-medal producer MacKenzie, Rose of Battlefield, Reliable, and Will's ex-girlfriend. The two worked together to recast Newsroom 2.0. But judging from the fact that the plot still uses Twitter and Blog as a joke, this is obviously Newsroom 1.0. Other supporting roles include the ambitious Don, the always nervous assistant producer Maggie, MacKenzie's partner Jim, who is very sensitive to the news, has a crush on Maggie, but Maggie and Don are lovers, the man of "Million Slums". The computer genius played by the protagonist is a typical Hollywood impression of Asians. Basically, there is no character that I like, Will is not the proud but cute character of House, Don is not the ambitious but complicated character of Cary (The Good Wife), Maggie is always making mistakes to prove others The value of her, I was really anxious to see her, so I had to skip her part in the end. MacKenzie is my favorite royal aura, but the best producer in my mind will always be Liz Lemon. At least in these two episodes, all the characters are very one-sided and typical. I can only say that Charlie is a cute character, because he looks like Woody Allen's neurotic feeling, which has nothing to do with the character setting itself. In the next episode, Jane Fonda will make a cameo appearance, I don't know if it will be a fun role.

Looking at this situation, I will soon give up chasing this drama. In fact, if this drama is put on the four major wireless stations, it becomes a TV version of "Grey's Anatomy" and finds an anchor like Anderson Cooper. Go on. But as an HBO production, the production of Aaron Sorkin felt a lack of sensitivity. Really want to pay tribute to the news people, push George Clooney's "Good Night, and Good Luck", anchor Edward R. Murrow in the shadow of the "Red Terror" of the American media, single-handedly stood up to rebuke the then authoritative McKinsey and stopped McKinsey spread of ism.

The original text was posted on the blog, and it was posted and slightly changed.

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