When we have a gorgeous weapon, put it away and don't hurt others.

Ludie 2022-03-23 09:03:17

Art and morality are not in conflict at all. The emergence of art is the emergence of a kind of thought. Any kind of thought that is beyond the acceptance of ordinary people is considered a kind of morbidity, but no kind of thought judges it. The criterion of right and wrong, for example, the mother does not want her daughter to follow Christianity. In fact, she is not at fault for the belief, but I am also disgusted by the dogma of belief. In my opinion, belief is just a spiritual thought based on reference, and it is too harsh to assess the inclusivity of some extreme thoughts. Now who can judge whether a person is a good person or a bad person like he did when he was a child? To say that art is selfish, it needs to be endowed with a hard mind, if it does not have a clear outline, if it is still flowing like a liquid, it cannot be called art. Its cruelty lies in cutting open the ugliest side of human nature.
John once said that there is only a thin line between an artist and a lunatic, and the genius of an artist is that he can remain sane after possessing the mind of a lunatic. This mother just crossed that line and went to another world.
She believed in her own thoughts, which made them hard. She loved her daughter, but her hard thoughts began to eat Astrid, and at first Astrid was against her choice Doubtful in her thoughts, she thought that if she put her thoughts into her faith, she would be redeemed, but life is her own, and no one can make the final choice for you. When the first guarantor is worried that Astrid will Said "Christ is a fart" to her when she took her man and shot Astrid, if it wasn't for the boy, she would have died, and faith began to become a disguise, a rhetoric, a A disgusting feeling. But it's not about itself, it's about people. Although my mother poisoned the man who betrayed her, and although everything she did was unscrupulous, I agree with her point of view: you can't forget who you are. It's just that you keep running and running, you find that you are so powerful, you have endless energy, there are vast fields for you to run wildly, and when you stop, you forget where you started and where you are going .
As for Astrid, she grew up with her mother, but she did not let her mind run wild like her mother's thoughts. What I admire about her is that she has her own thoughts. Of course, the formation of thoughts is violent at first. The process of tearing and bloody, a shot at her because of her beauty made her become indifferent to her appearance and indifferent to the outside world, but her heart was not closed, she knew how to be grateful and repaid, and she knew when to break free from her mother Hard thinking, her own death and the death of others made her understand what she should grasp and give up. Although everything became so contradictory, on the one hand, there was the weak shining point of weak humanity, and on the other hand, there was an aggressive maternal love, but in the end. She chose to be kind. Although she dressed like a motel prostitute, she rushed to the truth and cut open the ugly side of her mother.

I smelled that midnight burn again, and
I wanted to feel the heat of the Santa Ana wind.
It's a secret longing,
like a song I can't stop humming,
or like someone dear to me that I'll never have.
No matter where I go,
my compass always points west, and
I always know what time it is in California. '

When we have a beautiful weapon, put it away and don't hurt others.

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Extended Reading

White Oleander quotes

  • Astrid: How long were you gone?

    Ingrid: About a year, give or take a few months.

    Astrid: My God.

    Ingrid: You're not asking the right question. Don't ask me why I left. Ask me why I came back.

    Astrid: You should have been sterilized.

    Ingrid: I could have left you there, but I didn't. Don't you understand? For once, I did the right thing! When I came back, you knew me. You were sitting by the door, and you looked up, and you reached for me. It was as if you had been waiting for me all along.

    Astrid: I was always waiting for you, mother. That's the constant in my life. Waiting for you. Will you come back? Will you forget that you tied me in front of a store or left me on a bus?

    Ingrid: Are you still waiting?

    Astrid: No. I stopped when Claire showed me what it felt like to be loved. What did you think, that I would amuse you? That's what babies are like, mother. What'd you think? We'd exchange thoughts on Joseph Brodsky?

    Ingrid: I thought Klaus and I would live happily ever after. That's what I thought, Adam and Eve in a vine-covered shack. I must have been out of my mind.

    Astrid: You were in love with him.

    Ingrid: YES, I was in love with him. ALRIGHT? I was in love with him, and baby makes three, and all that crap!

    Astrid: Then why did you leave him? Why did you leave him?

    Ingrid: I didn't leave him! He left me. You wanna know about your father? He left us when you were six months old for another woman, and I never saw him again until he showed up looking for you when you were eight years old.

    Astrid: He came to see me?

    Ingrid: Yes, he came to see you but it was a little late, wasn't it? Why should I let him see you after what he did to me?

    Astrid: Because it wasn't about you! It was about me, and I wanted to see him! My whole life, I've wanted to see him. That decision was MINE, not yours. Everything's always been about you, never about me. I knew you were gonna kill Barry, but you didn't even care. You didn't give a damn about what that would do to me. I'll say whatever Susan wants me to say, but I gotta get outta here.

    Ingrid: No! No, no, no. You don't just walk away from me. I made you, I'm in your blood. You don't go anywhere until I let you go!

    Astrid: Then let me go. You look at me and you don't like what you see, but this is the price, mother. The price of belonging to you.

    Ingrid: If I could, I'd take it all back. I would.

    Astrid: Then tell me you don't want me to testify. Tell me you don't want me like this. Tell me you would sacrifice the rest of your life to have me back the way I was.

  • [last lines]

    Astrid: No matter how much she damaged me... no matter how flawed she is... I know my mother loves me.