
Bonnie 2022-03-23 09:02:03

This movie can be shot like "King Kong" that effect. The set is so beautiful and pleasing to the eye, and the actors' dialogue and performances are also funny and interesting, but the development of the scene is a bit too simple, and the scene is cut too fast, and there is no such detailed description at all. In fact, looking at the strange creatures on the mysterious island, there are many that can be photographed and performed in detail, such as the ants, bees, spiders, etc., which can specifically describe the hardships on the way to the adventure. Do you think the cast of this movie succeeded too quickly? ? ? ? It's not very challenging, like the lizard's expedition in the first round of the expedition, the grandfather rescued the four of them in time, I think it's pretty good, at least there is suspense, but the next ones have to climb cliffs, climb hills, and just Finding her father, these difficulties were easily overcome, and I felt that it was not enough to watch it, and it was not enough to recollect. You must know that when I watched the movie "King Kong", I was sad for a few weeks. Oh, it's no wonder that good movies are difficult to shoot. It's good to be able to shoot to this extent. . . I just feel a little pity, I could have done better! ! !
I like Hank so much, he is so manly, I also like that stupid dad, I love them so much~\(≧▽≦)/~ la la la, in short, this movie is generally okay, if you If you are interested, it will be better to go to the cinema to see the 3D version in person, which will definitely open your eyes.

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Journey 2: The Mysterious Island quotes

  • Hank: [fighting a giant lizard with a flare] Not now, Sean. She's scared!

    Sean: No, it's cold-blooded and it's attracted to heat.

    [the lizard bites the flare]

    Hank: That's emasculating.

    Sean: Now what?

    Hank: Now there's only one thing left. The thunder cookie.

    [clenching his fist at the giant lizard and punches it]

    Hank: I think I just made it worse.

    [the lizard growls at them]

    Kailani: Hope she doesn't like Polynesian food.

    Gabato: I hope she doesn't like food with poop in its pants!

  • Hank: It takes a big man to play a little guitar.

    Alexander: And a bigger one to listen.