"Grand Hotel": People come and go [Best Picture at the 5th Academy Awards]

Norval 2022-03-23 09:02:47


Grand Hotel (1932)

The film won the Best Picture at the 5th Academy Awards.

The film tells the story of several customers in a hotel called "Grand Hotel". There are several people living on the first floor of the Grand Hotel: a ballet dancer from the Soviet Union and her team, a big boss of a textile company, a baron who was penniless and stealing things, and a doctor whose face was wounded in the First World War. One day, an office worker in a textile company contracted a terminal illness and came to a luxurious hotel to spend his last days. When the staff checked in, he became friends with the baron who was flirting with the big boss's stenographer in the hallway. The Baron then made an appointment with the stenographer to dance together the next afternoon. At night, when the baron saw the ballet dancer leave the room, he slipped into the room to steal the gem. But the ballet dancer quickly returned to the room because he was in a bad mood. In order to escape, the baron had to come out of the room and tell the ballet dancer that he loved her very much. At this time, in the big boss's room, the big boss was attracted by the beauty of the stenographer and asked her to continue to work tomorrow. Early the next morning, the Baron discovers that he really is in love with the ballet dancer, and immediately reveals what he has done. The ballet dancer forgives the baron and intends to let him go to Vienna with him. At this point, the baron had already borrowed money from the underworld, so he did not promise the ballet dancer, but told the two that they would meet on the train. At this time, in another room, the big boss took the stenographer to argue with the other party for the merger plan, arguing until the night. The stenographer left first, thinking about the date. In order to facilitate the merger, the big boss had to lie to the other party. After hearing the lie, the two sides soon signed a merger agreement, but the big boss needs to go to London as soon as possible to solve his own lie. So the big boss wanted the stenographer to go with him as his secretary. But at this time, the stenographer who was dating the Baron noticed his difference and danced with the clerk at the Baron's request. When the big boss interrupted them, the staff had a big argument with him, which was later subsided with everyone's advice. After that, the stenographer agreed to the invitation of the big boss and checked into the big hotel. The clerk wanted the Baron to gamble with him, and the Baron had to tell him about his predicament, but they still gambled to get the money together. The clerk wins big and gets drunk with joy. At this time, the baron wanted to take advantage of the chaos to steal the staff wallet. But the clerk soon discovered that the wallet was missing, and the Baron had to pretend to help him find it again. At night, the baron, who was helpless, had to sneak into the big boss's room, and he was found by the big boss. Subsequently, the two had a dispute, and the big boss accidentally killed the baron. The stenographer who lived next door discovered all this and hurriedly told the staff. After seeing it, the staff decided to call the police. The boss begged him hard, but the staff was unmoved. In the end, the big boss was taken away, the ballet dancer got on the train with her team in the dark, and the staff and stenographer went to Pakistan together. Li went to have fun. The big hotel is still there, and the doctor is talking about "people come and go..."

This is the best film since I watched the Best Picture Oscar, counting from the first one, and it is not inferior to modern movies at all. It also has the hallmarks of classic Hollywood films, such as a brilliant story, strong characters, gorgeous sets, fast-talking dialogue, and a not-so-dark ending. Overall, a perfect Hollywood entertainment movie. Although Hollywood entertainment films are commercialized, they have the same thought-provoking theme, which is what this film shows—people come and go, each with its own story. Although the hotel has not changed, the waiters have not changed, but the stories in the room are constantly being staged, there are tragedies, comedies, farce, and so on. In short, through the perfect story of this film, this film shows the lives of people in the 1930s and reflects the social reality at that time. It can be said that this is a rare and in-depth entertainment film.

The film has many advantages, the most outstanding is the film's exquisite story. How wonderful the story is, I won't repeat it, just say one thing: the stories of everyone in the film are logical, and the intersection between stories and stories is so natural. All of this makes the movies seem fluid and natural, as if they were happening right next to them. This is better than many modern movies. Telling a story is not difficult, but telling a good story is difficult! In addition, the character modeling of the characters in the film is also perfect. The film only briefly outlines the characters and temperaments through the phone call at the beginning of the episode, and then gradually makes the characters clear as the story develops. Therefore, the kind-hearted baron, the weak staff, the domineering boss, the lonely ballet dancer, etc., these characters gathered on the screen to stage this scene for the audience. In addition, the structure of the film is clear and complete, the rhythm is relaxed, and the sets, costumes, and props are luxurious, which make the film look pleasant and lively. In short, this movie is good!

Filming is even better. From the plot overview I wrote earlier, you can know that the story of this film is very complicated, but the film tells it in a clear and easy way, and it is quite enjoyable to watch. These make me have to admire the directors of this film. In other words, a story like this film is not a problem for the writers and directors in the 21st century, but this film is a work from the early 1930s! At that time, the group of characters and complex multi-line narratives could be clearly and accurately narrated, which is really surprising the greatness of the Hollywood film industry! In short, the advantages of this film are numerous, because it has far surpassed the best picture of the previous four Oscars, and created a new era.

The plot is interesting. The baron is kind-hearted. The first time he stole the ballet dancer's jewelry, he fell in love with the other party. The second time he stole the staff's wallet, he couldn't bear it. This is to tell the audience that a good person cannot be a good person? If people are not for themselves, they will definitely be destroyed? In addition, the staff always said that they had a terminal illness, but their behavior was no different from that of a normal person, and in the end, they were beautiful. Isn't this bullshit?

There are many big-name actors in this film. Actors such as Greta Garbo, Joan Crawford, John Barrymore, Lionel Barrymore, and Wallace Beery all have long resumes, including many movie stars, actresses, and famous directors. Therefore, it is no exaggeration to call this film an "all-star movie". This is the first time I've ever seen a Greta Garbo movie, but aside from her exotic face, it doesn't feel like anything else. In fact, her beauty is not the most outstanding, one grade worse than Joan Crawford, who is also in this film. Joan Crawford has a delicate face and a classic look. This is the real beauty. Joan Crawford's acting skills in the film are also very good, especially the dialogue with the staff at the end of the film is very emotional. Others are not familiar with it, so not much to say.

in conclusion. This is a very good movie, the plot, pacing, and actors are all perfect. It's a pity that the DVD picture quality is too poor, the picture can be clearer. This film is truly worthy of recognition for the best picture Oscar.

Greta Garbo

Greta Garbo

Joan Crawford

Joan Crawford

Sequence: 0841

Grand Hotel.Grand.Hotel.1932.D9.MiniSD-TLF


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Extended Reading

Grand Hotel quotes

  • Grusinskaya: Can you imagine a hundred girls in the ballet school, each thinking she would become the most famous dancer in all the world? I was ambitious then. We were drilled like little soldiers. No rest, no stopping. I was little, slim, but hard as a diamond. Then I became famous and - But why am I telling you all this? Last night, I didn't know you at all. Who are you, really?

    Baron Felix von Geigern: What?

    Grusinskaya: I don't even know your name.

    Baron Felix von Geigern: [laughs] I am Felix Benvenuto Freihern von Geigern. My mother called me "Flix".

    Grusinskaya: [joyously] No! Flix! Oh, that's sweet. And how do you live? And what kind of a person are you?

    Baron Felix von Geigern: I'm a prodigal son, the black sheep of a white flock. I shall die on the gallows.

  • Preysing: I don't know much about women. I've been married for 28 years, you know.