A good Hollywood Bollywood movie

Mossie 2022-03-23 09:02:29

I didn’t watch many Indian movies before. When talking about Indian movies with my friends, the most common thing I talked about was their signature Indian songs and dances, no matter what genre, romance, action, comedy and even suspense. So when I watched this movie, I thought, when will Indian songs and dances appear in the movie. The answer given by the movie at the end is, no. It really surprised me (like it). From the background of the current Bollywood film industry system, it is not difficult to be able to do this, but it is indeed not much, and Kahaani did it.
The picture and rhythm at the beginning of the film tell us that this is a suspense type film. But there are too many suspenseful films, not to mention Hollywood ones, Hong Kong ones are also in their own category, and even the mainland ones are quite impressive. Why do you make Indian movies so refreshing and suspenseful?
Looking down, we may know the answer. The setting of the heroine Vidya Bagchi can be described as surprising, a woman who is pregnant in July, her pregnancy is fake, but it was real. In order to find out who killed her husband and innocent people, she played infernal affairs with the police. The final release of the movie was beyond my expectations. In retrospect, the plot was cleverly set up, and it was immediately obvious. Although it was suspected of imitating Hollywood blockbusters, imitation is exactly what Indian movies need to go further. (Isn't that the case with Chinese movies).
Then I saw Kahaani's shot transition, and its production team also put a lot of effort into editing. At the beginning of the film, the selection and rhythm of the shots, without a single line from the protagonist, we can receive a lot of information from it. This is the "movie narrative" that the director shows us. In the middle, the Vidya Bagchi hacking section also has the same purpose.
In addition, the real name of the heroine is also Vidya Bagchi. It is conceivable that this is a tailor-made movie for her. Vidya Bagchi's performance is also very exciting. When I think of some so-called actors in China, the difference in their acting skills is immediately obvious. The heroine is very beautiful, everyone should agree, but in the process of watching the movie, I ignored the appearance of the heroine intentionally or not, and this situation was brought about by the success of the protagonist's performance and the rhythm of the movie's plot.
Finally, on the subject of the movie, we don't have to go into it, I watched it with the mentality of watching a blockbuster, and I don't need to learn anything, as long as it can attract me, let it have two hours of fun, as a viewer , I am satisfied. What I need to complain about is the title of the film, Fearless Heart. Indeed, this is still closely related to the plot of the movie, but I think it is very awkward. Maybe it is the need for translation or the director wants to express the theme directly through the title. . . .

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