one day you will come

Yvonne 2022-04-02 09:01:15

He is a middle-aged man.
In one day, experienced all the disappointments.
He was fired by the boss over the phone, and his job was replaced by a child.
Daughter's wedding, but just want to hold stepfather's hand and walk through the auditorium together.
Missing the return flight, I can only wait in solitude, looking at the sky outside the airport.

She is a middle-aged woman.
Bloated, old face, old age.
Shuttling through the crowded airport, looking at people's faces, doing work, and living a life step by step.
There are three or five friends, no relationship with men, no luck, no goals, only one old woman.
There is an elderly mother, who has been rambled, suspicious, and the greatest pleasure, calling her daughter.

He, who had rejected her questionnaire, went to his daughter's wedding.
She has experienced the boredom of blind date and the harm of being ignored.
They are all fallen people from the end of the world.
Meet, know each other and cherish each other, but don't realize it's too late to meet each other.
He, talk to her about the unsatisfactory things in life.
She, after listening to it, compares herself and seems to be able to accept it.
They were all like outsiders. Silently looking at his own things, being occupied by others, and being squeezed out.

A lot of times, we just want to find someone to talk to. There is no theme, just talk freely, everywhere.
As long as someone listens, and I am willing to speak. But how difficult it is to find someone to listen to.
We always show kindness to our relatives and to strangers.
We have a lot of things to say, but we don't know where to start, let alone who to talk to.
We can only feel that the world is so big and there are so many people around us, but there are not many people we want to talk about.

Before we know it, we lose some people, some things.
You don't know why. In short, you just stayed away so quietly.
Everything that looks at happiness has nothing to do with you. You can only appreciate it as a bystander, without any sense of belonging.
It seems that everyone is isolating you. You want to blend in, but you don't know how to do it, and in the end, you just get further and further away.

Have you ever tried, surrounded by people, you said I laughed, but still couldn't hide the deep loneliness in your heart.
With a polite smile on his face, his eyes are looking at everything around him, so strange, his thoughts are wandering.
When will it end, I really want to leave.

Have you tried and missed some people.
You have been foolishly waiting, from full of joy to full of loss.
The loss on the face, with a good foundation, can't hide it. I made countless excuses for him, but in the end I couldn't hide it from my heart.

Have you ever tried talking to someone about your inner world.
Discuss how you would plan if you could choose your life, even if it was only for one day.
Even if everyone around you is laughing at your ideal, you are willing to share it without feeling embarrassed.
Because you also know that he may not understand you 100%, but he is willing to stop and listen to your thoughts, which is enough.

Now, we are all a little timid and dare not try easily.
Because we tell ourselves that we are no longer seventeen or eighteen boys and girls.
We can't afford to lose, and we can't afford to play. Even, you know, maybe a step forward and there will be new horizons.
You don't dare, take that step bravely. Because, we are all afraid of failure, afraid of injury, afraid of pain, afraid of rejection.

Two years ago, looking at the clouds, that kind of anguish, that kind of pain, seemed to still come to mind.
But things have changed, and he can already smile. All the bitterness is long gone, as long as we want, as long as we want.
I think, I'm more used to disappointment. Because there is no beginning, it will never end.
You come, of course it is good. If you don't come, life goes on as usual. Work, read, study, make friends.
It's just that there is one less of you around. You are like a dragonfly, passing by in my heart, and then flying to an unknown distance.

You and I have our own lives, jobs, families, and friends.
You don't know me, I don't know you. We know each other, but we don't know much.
Sometimes I think about it, it's good to be disappointed, at least, a relationship has never started. It won't end either.
But, because it's you, I'm willing to try.
Because I don't know, if I miss you, if I still have a chance to meet someone like you again.

A person who can make you smile from the bottom of your heart is the most suitable person for you.
What you used to love, and what you were crazy about, is now a thing of the past.
There is another person who is with you now, and maybe you are a little lost in your heart.
But think of the person who can make your heart happy and joyful. We are rejoicing again, fortunately, the road has always been there.

Timing is really important, I think.
Meeting the right person at the right time is a lifetime of happiness.
At the most suitable time, you and I meet, know each other, and stay together.
It is also a kind of happiness to be with you forever and keep waiting.

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Last Chance Harvey quotes

  • Kate Walker: I think I'm more comfortable with being disappointed. I think I'm angry at you for trying to take that away.

  • Kate Walker: You - You just dive in there, don't you just, whoosh, anywhere, deep end. And I'm not, I'm not a bloody swimming pool Harvey.