Velitiana as a memory

Alexandria 2022-03-23 09:02:48

After turning off the lights, Buñuel's movie "Velitiana" kept playing in my mind, and I finished watching half of the movie at noon. Sometimes watching these dull and slow movies is purely for meditation, but often the mind becomes more and more chaotic after a while, forcing to think. It is generally believed that this is a critical film of religious morality, a satire of human lust and greed, a metaphor of class and social contradictions, and Veritiana has compromised and fallen. But Verityna is really just a lamb who was frightened in the chaos of reality. She will no longer give, smile, be tolerant, rescue, and care like before? Do you really want to think that her outward weakness is her inner weakness, her silence is her hiddenness, her hesitation is her collapse, and her kindness is her sin? On the contrary, it should be envisaged to step down from the altar, into life, and accept cruelty, instead of blindly asking why Verityna is beautiful, strong, loving, and worth looking forward to... (2010 September)

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Viridiana quotes

  • Jorge: How can you enjoy living like this and spending so much time alone?

    Viridiana: I'm not like you. You have your wife.

    Jorge: She's not my wife. I don't need anyone's blessing to live with a woman.

  • Viridiana: If you must come again, please know first and wait till I tell you to enter.