Episode 5 The Raven Reports - The Battle of the Major Military Mentors

Garfield 2022-03-23 09:03:24

One of the worst things about Renly's miscalculation in episode 5

is that there's no designated heir -- or rather, he can't
. He was still young and had no descendants. His wife wanted to have a baby, but he declined on the grounds that he was tired. The only high-ranking cadre from his family was the leader of the enemy camp, so it was very reasonable for his army to be incorporated across the board. But Renly's death declared the complete bankruptcy of Robb's strategic intentions - instead of winning allies, he established two enemies. He had just risen in his career and was about to go public. He was sniped by ruthless short-term speculators. The bottom is unstable and has a tendency to collapse. Duke Tywin has already flattered us on this point.

Like a cheating device, the Fire Worship Witch disrupts the normal rules of the game without any interest, and is even more rogue than Zhuge Village's borrowing the east wind. Is this what Stanley claims to be fair? In fact, if this sibling rivalry was fought normally, Renly would have a better chance of winning. If the power was not fully dominant, the faction would not have attracted so many political stars to mediate - including the Queen Mother of the Stark family. and Chancellor of the Exchequer at King's Landing. This room was still holding a routine state banquet reception and discussing border trade cooperation. The cheating device in that room directly changed Renly's HP to zero. The talented Renly Corps suddenly became a mess, and Littlefinger was still emotionally engaged. After some condolences and persuasion, it sounds like an investment expert provides you with free consulting services when you are bankrupt. What is his motivation?

An episode in which the status of major military divisions is upgraded.

The reckless Lu Bu will have a taciturn Chen Gong beside him. The Onion Knight successfully took the position of the first assistant minister, not only because of his loyalty but also because of his own insights. He is the Chen Gong of Stannis. Indifferent to religious affairs, he initially felt that it was not a bad thing to use miracles to flatter himself. But after seeing the witch's despicable tricks, he began to sensitively feel the danger of his master playing with fire. The advice it gave to "don't bring red-robed women to the capital" is very forward-looking, and its lofty vision and careful analysis are only the Dragon Girl's strategist: Mormont's "don't rely on black soldiers to counterattack dalu". Suggestions can be compared—and the latter is a self-preservation behavior in a situation where the status has been threatened, while the former is completely active admonition, and the judgment is superior.

The second strategist, Bronn under the little devil, as a country bumpkin, his knowledge comes entirely from his experience in life at the bottom - how similar he is to JACK on the Titanic - if it wasn't for JACK to give full play to the people at the bottom Wisdom, it is recommended to seize the high ground on the bow as soon as possible, stay until the last moment, and push on both legs to resist the vortex suction when the boat enters the water, and Rose is already dead. Bronn's questioning of the risks of using Molotov cocktails is completely master-level. Of course, you can think that the little devil does not need a military master, but the little devil does not think so. With such a senior assistant by your side, wouldn't it save you a lot of worry?

The third military division. On Pike Island, a group of people with emotional and cognitive impairments are still spitting on each other. Siblings are showing off how many toys they have from their fathers. Their behavior is so childish to the point of heinous - until the young master's military adviser, Cleft Jaw, appeared as a normal person. Although the appearance is not obvious, but can quickly formulate a complete battle plan, with a little ambition to play tricks, just like a potential player.

The fourth military division may be the player with the highest sum of three-dimensional (for the time being, the three indicators of force, intelligence, and charm) among all the military divisions, and even among all the characters in the game, it is not in vain. (I have heard legends of his superb swordsmanship) He is also the only spiritual and intellectual pillar on which the Dragon Lady Legion can rely, giving insightful advice on any occasion. Of course, in Dubai, his important status was also strongly confirmed by the screenwriter through a box lunch actor who did not want to show up.

A minstrel who advocates credibility, he deadpan fulfills the most beautiful immaterial wealth in this world - the trust between people. His understated, flamboyant voice works perfectly with the usual character background music. In the microscopic individual world, Aya flexes her muscles in the ocean of cute and ridiculous selfish desires - pity, revenge, possession - maybe we will care more about whether she will give the killer an impossible next episode. completed tasks.

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Episode 3

Since the first episode brought in so many characters out of thin air, the chaotic stage effects brought the second episode into a raucous climax prematurely. In addition to the necessary plot advancement, all the character background explanations seem to be assembling a bizarre and dark paradoxical puzzle, plus the proliferation of sexual themes that have no substantial contribution to the narrative line, which makes me feel inexplicable chest tightness and irritability. And the third episode finally began to break free from the violent three views, slow down the pace and tell us stories. Although there are fewer sensitive words, the topics and emotions are very tense. When the director doesn't always think about digging out the nightmare of the character's heart, the film will no longer be on par with B-grade films or Japanese-style apocalyptic films, but will have the magnificent flavor of the world of ice and fire.

The Titanic 3D is on fire, fat man, the affectionate drama between you and your wife has undoubtedly collided. Fatty, how funny you are, suddenly believing that there is true love in the world, and finally sending out your own emotional crystallization, just because the other party asked you for help, but the truth of the matter could not be found, and even disdain to find out clearly, Just thinking there. Different from the fat man who just talks but doesn’t practice, Xiao Jonen is a doer. He wanted to find some evidence to gain some bargaining chips, but he was caught when he made a mistake. He saw the angry look of the leader and realized that the situation was wrong. , "You know!" How many people raised their hands when they thought that Jongin's acting was so amazing! Such an innocence, the leader's anger was immediately dissipated, and he obediently explained to himself what small righteousness means and what great righteousness means - in this way, the purity of the team has been improved again, and Jonen's own glory as "a young chivalrous person who upholds integrity" The image has been sublimated. At this upgrade speed, is it just around the corner to enter the core leadership team?

Aya didn't see the moment of the beheading, but she always reminded herself not to forget it; Sansa witnessed the moment of the beheading alive, but she could only suppress herself and try not to remember it. The former is surrounded by many thugs, while the latter is alone in the face of the enemy—in terms of difficulty, in terms of tragic color, who would dare to say that Sansa is a vase—there really isn’t a coward in the wolf family, even the daughter who seemed the most incompetent at the beginning was there. At the critical moment, a powerful vitality burst out. Poor Sansa was in a hurry at the dinner table to deal with the Queen's series of pressing questions. She was so shallow that she couldn't get anything out of it. Of course, it was even more ridiculous for the Queen, who knew that Sansa could not give anything at all. What in-depth answer, and tossing again and again, getting more and more twisted on the road of resentment - Sansa puffed up her cheeks, returned to the room, and broke into a spy who was suspected of being sent by some unknown faction to monitor her. (Speaking of being a maid, did she take on the job of monitoring Sansa and provide information to the little devil at the same time?), the air bag finally burst, and she splashed it for a while with dignity, questioning the sense of mission and the role of the maid. After the sense of responsibility, I maliciously tested the background of the other party. Of course, the mature Sansa understands that if the other party is really a spy, she has no way to start, and she can only continue to take a defensive stance. The attitude of Jun's Landing is like the shaky candlelight, weakly following the development of the situation.

Compared with King's Landing, the "shady" in the Iron Islands is like a joke, like a game where you spend 30 cents to win prizes when you were a child. Baba's sense of humor kicked out the ridiculous privacy and knots of the other party, and finally concocted a family decision that felt warm to himself - the letter-burning child's paper, I am afraid that I will be moved to cry. The author originally positioned this family as a reckless Viking pirate in the Middle Ages, out of the rules and orbits of the civilized world, without any credibility other than robbery, and where there is a fishy smell - for such a robber civilization, also It's a sheer waste of film and audience time to spend time fiddling with their poses and positions.

It's still a horse-faced little loli, who efficiently provides us with a respectful plot. Her guardian died so tragically, it makes people suspect that he will continue to guard this little girl in another world. The "V" that wants to break free from the cage, the sentence "a man can fight" makes Sajia's deep love unable to extricate herself. It's a pity that such a neatly advanced plot stumbled a bit at the end - the gendarmerie captain didn't even know which person he was looking for, and then was fooled by such a lame trick? Oops, screenwriter, don't make a fool of yourself, I will forgive you for crippling the mighty Guardian Warrior. Don't explain the little blacksmith and "V" so quickly.

ps The author has not read the original work, and the content in the text does not represent the author's interpretation and approval of the image of the original work, please be tolerant and understanding.

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Episode 2

Aya finally got out of the bath. She squatted by the pond, and I thought she was looking at the still shadow in the water and meditating, but I didn't know it was peeing. Boys usually tremble after a brief explanation, but do girls not tremble? Maybe this is a major achievement of her practice of water dance and swordsmanship? Does the little blacksmith know that she is a girl? (Is it?...Isn't it because of seeing her squatting and peeing?) The gratifying supporting cast gave us a wonderful scene at the beginning, three people locked in the car. Among the prisoners are two WALKING DEAD borrowed directly from the "Walking Dead" crew, makeup-free, and a minstrel analog who introduces himself as glamorous and hearty as "V for Vendetta." How did the essence of these three humans accomplish the miracle of teaming up to farm monsters? There is also a guy who retired from the first Marine Corps division, using the fighting dagger in his hand as a weapon for slashing tendons, and the stupid equipment of medieval knights looks weak. The idolized little blacksmith used a few word games to confuse the clumsy logic nerves of the little fat man with the dream of heroic war. And then pitted my horse face cute loli in the same deep way... This is really the lightest and most waltzing scene in the entire second episode.

The screenwriter finally started to color Jon Eun. The Sa family didn't study the novel carefully, and I don't know why the screenwriter spent two whole episodes to grind a beast father with an extremely avant-garde thinking...and...Da 囧En actually relies on such scraps to build a sense of existence! His potential strategist, technical nerd, and fat man's practice is still very short, and he can't raise such behaviors to the level of Jinshi righteousness, but Jon En has done it, showing that Jon En already has entry-level political and ideological maturity . However, I haven't seen anyone else in the team making trouble. Are you two going to cheat? Young people, let alone young people who are not feminine, are always over-energized, sleepless every day, toss and turn, and have fantastic ideas. To be promoted to a leader, one must have a stronger ideological advancement.

This episode finally changed the usual dyeing style a little. In addition to the sandy yellow of the Muslim mainland and King's Landing, and the dark gray of the north, we saw a third color - the sea blue of the Iron Islands. There are many stories about the sea in this episode, and there is no room for war horses and spears to play on the sea. The ocean has always been on the fringes of human society's appearance and ethical rule. It is impossible to sit and watch court dramas here. Pirates are always unabashed and vague. So those arms dealers and slave traders who haggled over rusty copper coins - he actually said that he wanted F**K instead of RAPE, bullying me for being illiterate? —The arteries are filled with free, overindulgent blood.

The extreme catharsis of human lust in many episodes made me start to feel a little uneasy. I can only divert my attention a little when I see the "excessive" plot, such as thinking about why it is also a dew point, why the Mimi of the girl on the boat is stick-shaped, and the Mimi of the Zoroastrian goddess is pie-shaped. The foreplay, progress and follow-up of various bedding events are combined into groups of multi-sounding serial cannons, which must make it difficult for the young people in front of the computer to control their chaotic ideological defenses. Of course, it does not rule out that they pay for premium channels, just to be difficult to control. The hairy feet on the horse's back and the illusion and pleasure of Mr. Stannis' offending "his gods" made you all angry.

The little devil is arguing with people everywhere in the palace. What purpose he wants to achieve, he will never use force or power first, but will reason with you boringly, and after you hear it or not, he suddenly summons soldiers on both sides to ambush, "Take it away!" The same goes for the eunuch. But unlike Littlefinger, the fat eunuch did a much better job of ridiculing the aftermath, and of course it must be taken into account that the person who fought him was actually a civilized person. Lannister's family of violent, chaotic and distorted values ​​in every corner is extremely rare not only in the entire history of the second dimension and even the third dimension. In fact, it is not only Lannister, but the entire King's Landing. Littlefinger is Li Mochou in the midst of ice and fire. He can't resist the tough, but shows no mercy to the soft. Several members of the Standing Committee of the cabinet meeting are all guys who abuse their excess IQ, but I don't know how an old man got in? What is his background? Ask for science.

There are very few roles for the dragon girl, and the dragon does not even leave the country. In the vast desert, the helpless and sad dragon girl is the only beautiful thing I see in this episode. Everything else is too ugly, too ugly, too ugly.

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first episode

In the King's Landing line, we saw the scene where the little king was fighting with the little devil. The little devil's acting skills are getting better and better. Notice that when he hears Matoumeng Lolita disappears, the corners of his mouth twitch, his eyebrows tremble, and with a tone that suppresses emotions, he instantly performs all the psychological activities. This episode is deliberately set off two great people in the battle of words. The first is the little devil, which is highlighted by the ignorant and arrogant arrogance of the queen mother and the prince, coupled with his self-interpretation of his own line "SERVE THE TRUTH", you can basically see the shadow of another Emmy trophy.

The other is a bickering game between Robb and the Kingslayer. Although the King of the Little North brought "Grey Wind" to bluff, it is undeniable that he is so humble, sensible, clever, and imposing. The knowledgeable monarch pressed his head. In the first season, Robb was a can of uniform iced black tea with no features, but suddenly became an iced gold medal martini in the second season. It seems that the author of the original book was preparing to sharpen his knife before he began to abuse him. The iron law of "A Song of Ice and Fire" will suddenly be broken under the hands of the author Martin, wait to die.

Jon. He is a symbol, a pit, and a big foreshadowing. This oily and powdery little boy doesn't seem to have any distinctive features. He is a kind of unremarkable guy similar to Orlando Bloom in the three "Pirates of the Caribbean" movies. The character is not as full as his younger brother. His younger brother Bran, the most talented and high-quality player in the wolf family, can remotely control the wolf, and can use childish and righteous words to rebuke the mob. He has the potential to become a sociopath. As for their mother, the image of "a royal lady with a strong sense of honor but little political knowledge" is still very well played.

The elegant dragon girl is still downloading the plug-in. This episode only provides the information that she has a few Spartan models with good image and good temperament who can provide a full range of services. That dragon doesn't eat beef? Don't eat horse meat? The slightly hoarse voice is very sexy. Is it delicious to spit a fire and roast horse meat? Chicken flavored?

The eunuch was so funny. When he took the little devil's letter of appointment and read it, he showed a very innocent expression. He seemed to be saying, "Yo, how messy your family's internal affairs are. The relationship between my sister and my brother needs to be settled by my father." , it is estimated that Littlefinger next to him wanted to laugh. Seeing that the eunuch was so funny, Littlefinger wanted to be humorous, and used a lame "I heard from others" to communicate with the Queen Mother about her private life, but she was almost flabbergasted and was frightened. Littlefinger is so smart, but has such a strong desire to express, and will not pretend to be stupid. It is a major character flaw as an excellent conspirator.

The original characters are basically fierce, and the backward characters have also begun to appear. At first, the goddess who worshipped Zoroastrianism couldn't wait to persuade the people around her, "Not only can I play tricks, but I can also play very well, look at the iron sword with fire in my hand!". In fact, it's to pave the way for the Stannis line. Don't be so proud of yourself. Stannis rallied the army, and by the way, he read the situation of the whole Central Plains at the military plane. He said that our Zoroastrianism pursues a foreign policy of isolationism and unilateralism. The purpose is to reveal my identity as a traitor at the beginning of the game. Anyway, if I lose, I will not lose my experience and win rate. Let's go! The other two major military groups, Renly and Stark, tend to form an alliance; while the Lannisters are fighting a bitter battle to defend their base. Being resourceful is their main advantage, and the long front is their main disadvantage. Stark's Robb is well aware that the strategic step of "encircling the city from the countryside" has taken shape, and now the key part is to perfectly explain what is meant by "war is the continuation of politics, the carrier and the object to be served". "Let's negotiate!"

Then, the finale's Ma Mian Meng Loli finally appeared. This wolf clan's most potential high-quality female player mainly spends her skill points on fighting and escape skills. She can't be like her brother Bran. In a comfortable environment, you can practice black magic well. However, as the last important role, her appearance put down the hearts of everyone on the scene. In order to set off the arduous escape of Little Loli, the crew did not hesitate to use large-scale means such as "infanticide" to create this atmosphere, which undoubtedly kicked the crotch of all the SARFT in the world.

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Extended Reading

The North Remembers quotes

  • [at the Chamber of the Painted Table, Stannis dictates a letter of declaration to Matthos Seaworth. Matthos reads the draft aloud]

    Matthos Seaworth: ...and I declare upon the honor of my House, that my beloved brother Robert left...

    Stannis Baratheon: He wasn't "my beloved brother". I didn't love him. He didn't love me.

    Ser Davos Seaworth: A harmless courtesy, your Grace.

    Stannis Baratheon: A lie. Take it out.

    [Matthos erases the word "beloved"]

    Matthos Seaworth: ...that my brother Robert left no trueborn heirs, the boy Joffrey, the boy Tommen, and the girl Myrcella, being born of incest between Cersi Lannister and her brother Jaime Lannister. By right of birth...

    Stannis Baratheon: Jaime Lannister, the Kingslayer. Call him what he is.

    [Matthos adds the words "the Kingslayer". Cressen secretly slips a poison pill into his wine cup. No one notices him except Davos]

    Matthos Seaworth: ...and her brother Jaime Lannister, the Kingslayer. By right of birth and blood, I do this day lay claim...

    Stannis Baratheon: Make it SER Jaime Lannister the Kingslayer. Whatever else he is, the man's still a knight.

    [Matthos adds the word "Ser"]

    Matthos Seaworth: ...Ser Jaime Lannister the Kingslayer. By right of birth and blood, I do this day lay claim to the Iron Throne of Westeros. Let all true men declare their loyalty.

    Stannis Baratheon: When Eddard Stark learnt the truth, he told only me. I'll not make the same mistake. Send copies of that letter to every corner of the realm, from the Arbor to the Wall. The time has come to choose. Let no man claim ignorance as an excuse.

    Ser Davos Seaworth: Your Grace, the Lannisters are the true enemy. If, for the time being, you could make peace with your brother...

    Stannis Baratheon: I'll not make peace with Renly while he calls himself king.

    Ser Davos Seaworth: But many have already declared for him. Mace Tyrell, Randyll Tarly...

    Melisandre: Stannis does not need to beg this lord or that lord for support, the Lord of Light stands behind him.

    Ser Davos Seaworth: And how many ships has the Lord of Light got in his fleet?

    Melisandre: He has no need for ships.

    Ser Davos Seaworth: I'm sure he doesn't, but we do if we're going to war. If not Renly, Your Grace, join forces with Robb Stark.

    Stannis Baratheon: Who'd steal the northern half of my kingdom. I've always served thieves according to their deserts, as you well know, Ser Davos. Joffrey, Renly, Robb Stark, they're all thieves. They'll bend the knee or I'll destroy them.

  • Melisandre: Lord of Light, come to us in our darkness. We offer you these false gods. Take them and cast your light upon us, for the night is dark and full or terrors. After the long summer, darkness will fall heavy on the world. The stars will bleed. The cold breath of winter will freeze the seas... and the dead shall rise in the North.