J. Edgar

Camryn 2022-03-24 09:01:45

I can only say that I am ignorant. If I hadn't watched J.Edgar, I would have thought that this film, translated as The Biography of Hoover, was about President Hoover. It turns out that the FBI also has a director called HOOVER. The first director after the restructuring, after 8 presidents and 48 years, climbed to the peak of power, and then he was hastily was killed by a heart attack. Arrogant, arrogant, manic, autistic, suspicious, jealous, dishonest, liar, quick-witted, power-loving, gossip-gathering, mastering the president's pigtails, rebellious Such a person as a radical, with a vague Oedipus complex and a homosexual ambiguous Hoover.
The first time I watched it, I felt it was just boring and a little incomprehensible. Remember Edgar's madness and loneliness, Mad's only respite is his love with Clyde.
The next day in the daytime, I suddenly felt that I wanted to watch it again. Maybe Edgar's death was heart-wrenching, his paranoia and obsessive-compulsive disorder made people feel uncomfortable, their love was touching, or the last gentle words, Maybe it's just me being wicked and seeing Mr. Hoover again at whatever night, or that's what he's called, Edgar.
The second time I saw it, it was a completely different feeling. The story was straightened out. A young man with no friends, ambition and brains suddenly became the director of the FBI, so he started his own reform of the FBI. On the one hand, it fights against black forces and radicals, and on the other hand, it controls everyone's black files.
But I'm talking about love, and when he first saw Clyde Tolson at a dinner party, he was first attracted to him. After that, he never forgot about him, until when he called Clyde for an interview, he was sweating nervously, and he was even a little nervous. He said FAIR ENOUGH while taking notes, and even glanced at Clyde secretly. This place, Xiao Li's performance is particularly good. The sneak glance contains nervousness, timidity, intention confirmation, and concealment.
When Edgar said that he wanted Clyde to become his Second man, that is, the Deputy Director, he said I need you, and his eyes sparkled with enthusiasm, eagerly looking forward to it, so much that Clyde was willing to change his life without publicity for him, Clyde said : on one condition the day is good or bad we agree or disagree, we should never miss a lunch or dinner togerther, with a gentle gaze and tone. So Hoover held back his smile, saying that I can only promise you this, and then smiled again. In this place, Xiao Li's expression was so moved that he forgot his smile, and Mr. Hammer was so gentle and his words were particularly natural and doting. And the directness and nature of Clyde's and Edgar's evasions are very ironic.
Edgar, who confessed his sexuality to his mother, was not tolerated by his mother who always spoiled him, but got a sentence: I would rather have a dead son than a son of a motherfucker. Here you can probably feel the principle of the family.
So he tried to date women. By the time they go on a trip, the two are sitting on the sofa in their bathrobes, first gossiping about other people, and then Edgar decides to tell Clyde that he's going to have a Mrs. Hoover. That's how he started, I care what you think, unexpectedly Clyde's direct, he said: and I love you, Edgar. The eyes are firm and the tone is magnanimous. So Edgar turned his head in a guilty conscience and withdrew the hand that was held by the other party.
He told him that he should have a Mrs. Hoover and that he had a partner and had been together for a while. So the two quarreled about this, threw the cups, and then rose to fists and feet, tearing and rolling on the floor, Clyde held down Edgar, and kissed him fiercely and violently, even when their lips were still bloody . At this time, Hoover's eyes changed from surprise to sadness, and it could even be said that his feelings for himself became clearer, so he calmed down.
Clyde ran out, Edgar ran after him and said don't leave me, I beg you, after all, after all...we have another day of races togerther, this time Xiao Li is dealing with Hoover's eyes and looking forward to his inferior excuses Very good, in fact, he definitely wanted to talk about love, but his evasive and timid heart made him not dare to say it, and he stepped back and made a ridiculous excuse. After Clyde ran away, he said: I love you, clyde, I love you. In this play, this is the only time Hoover talks about love, or when his lover is not there, there is fear, grievance, and cowardice.
In love stories, Edgar is always an escapist, just like when love came, he was sweating and uncomfortable. He never said love, just that you were important to me and I cared about you, but Clyde was always tolerant like water. His cowardice, paranoia, manic. until they get old.
Edgar became more paranoid and vulnerable as he got older. When you reach the age of retirement, you don't want to retire bravely. After all, it is difficult to keep your arrogant head flat. So Clyde advised him that it was time to rest and enjoy the honor. Edgar said that when you said that, I can only doubt your very loyalty. After that, Clyde resisted very rarely. He counted Edgar's lies. He said that you can deceive people all over the world, but you can't deceive me. But he did not betray him. Edgar said I shouldn't have let you into the FBI in the first place, you didn't qualify, and you came in, helped me tidy up the windows, picked up my handkerchief and gave it to me. I was sweating a lot. Because I know no one is as important to me as you are. Clyde handed Edgar the handkerchief again, Edgar was a little ill, he just said it was indigestion. He said that we should go to the small corner of our restaurant for dinner tomorrow, kissed Clyde's forehead tremblingly, returned the handkerchief to Clyde, and put his hands together in his. After Edgar left, Clyde picked up the handkerchief and sniffed Edgar.

It was their last day dinner togerther. Because Edgar passed away at night with a heart attack. When Clyde came to see him and saw him lying on the ground half naked with his eyes open, Clyde began to sob, tore off the sheets and wrapped him, tremblingly, hugging the person lying on the ground.

No one knew how many secrets Hoover knew, and his trusted secretary, who handled all the private and confidential documents for him. And the confidential love letter he had made to print for Clyde.

Clyde's grave is in Edgar Tomb a few yards away.

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J. Edgar quotes

  • Agent Stokes: Is it a date?

    J. Edgar Hoover: I think so, I think so. I'm going to show her my old card catalog system at the Library of Congress.

  • J. Edgar Hoover: It's time we at least have one thing the bad guys don't.

    Clyde Tolson: Decorating skills?