
Angelo 2022-03-23 09:02:02

You'd better check your panties thoroughly, little John.

The girls in the city are hard, very, very hard.

Like that kind of girl, there's only one reason to come to this shitty place, to be on the side of the window from behind!

No man would want to leave a sexy stunner like you.

No one wants to be woken up by a phone call at two in the morning.
When you were fifteen, it was a prank.
When you were twenty-one, it must have come from your drunk boyfriend.
But after twenty-five, there must be some bad news.

Do you want to know why I know you don't have a boyfriend? Want to know? Because it's popular for boys in town to be gay right now.

Are we still alive tomorrow?

You're so brainless that you don't realize that you're brainless!

What did you say when I begged you?

"Fuck you!"
"You've already fucked, I don't feel very good, now I'll fuck you!"

Little stallion, it seems that I have to train you.

I never listen to someone who doesn't have a dick!

Enduring joy is real.

I will find you in hell and rape you in hell!

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Extended Reading

I Spit on Your Grave quotes

  • Johnny: [Johnny is working at the gas station. He hears a bell ring from a customer; the customer is a young, attractive female with her back turned. He walks towards her] Morning. Hey, there! Can I fill you up?

    [the female patron suddenly turns around with a tire iron in her hand; it's Jennifer. She strikes Johnny with the iron bar and knocks him out]

  • Johnny: Matthew here says that you didn't pay him for fixing your sink!

    Jennifer: That's not true; he ran out!


    Jennifer: I'll take care of it.

    [Jennifer retrieves her purse to get money; all of the men chuckle at her]