"I do it all for you"

Anya 2022-03-24 09:03:07

This seems to be another dead period in my life. When graduation is down, I have no interest in everything. When I
was in the mood to open the movie, I watched it with great enthusiasm. The first time I cried, I sold her in charlie. car, she quarreled with him anxiously, an underage girl, struggling to support this family and this father who was full of fantasies, she slammed the door and went out without looking back.

When moved, That word is called resonance. In fact, there is a word in physics called resonance. That is because certain plots and feelings are projected onto a certain segment of your past, and you feel the same way.

So this quarrel is projected on the quarrel between my father and me. In the 1990s, I didn't speak for months, that kind of grievance of 'I'm your only daughter, how could you treat me like this'.

The second episode is followed closely, charlie sells the cello, and that one I sell first The cello that my mother wouldn't sell, redeemed that broken car. Of course I had to cry.

Then I watched with dismay, and at one point I even thought that the writers would finally let them dig a treasure and show it to those around the world. People with stereotypes declared, look, you don't follow your dreams, see what you lose.

Costco, all kinds of unreliable, police slammed the door, charlie picked up Miranda and told her , "I read a lot of biographies, I also wanted to do something great in this life, and then I realized that I did it all for you" "You stay here, tell the police, I made you do it These, I'm so grateful for everything you've done for me"

I suddenly envy charlie so much, anyway, he has a "I do it all because of you" Miranda, I'm so desperate to feel that this potential person will never be Will not appear in my life.

Yes This absurd father pays homage to Miranda

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Extended Reading

King of California quotes

  • Charlie: Catastrophe equals opportunity.

  • Miranda: [first lines - narration] Technically what happened wasn't my fault. I'm a minor, I'm not responsible for my actions. Technically.

    [alarm sounds, everyone runs]

    Miranda: But these things should be taken on a case-by-case basis. In our case, I've always been the responsible party. Someone had to look out for him.