Archive: People's changes always seem abrupt

Eleanora 2022-03-23 09:02:45

What are you going to say? It is said that human beings are inherently selfish in extreme situations? Talk about the variation of people in claustrophobic space? ... The feeling of depression brought by the film seems to be not only due to the heaviness and horror of the theme, but also the improper handling of the rhythm itself.

In general, "Isolation" tells the story of a nuclear bomb or something that exploded for some unknown reason, causing an entire city to fall, a handful of survivors who took refuge in the basement of a building, and a chain of events. And death begins to happen... The film hardly explains why the event happened and the world outside the basement, that is, if we still want to see the beginning of the event and the outside world in the first half of the movie, then we will end up with Disappointed. Of course, that curiosity may be what drives us to keep watching. However, the director may only be discussing human nature, and thus has no interest in solving puzzles.

However, the changes in the characters' emotions under extreme conditions and the gradual presentation of the various aspects of human nature are still abrupt and without a sense of hierarchy.

In addition, the feces, blood, and dismemberment that appeared many times in the film... these have always been unbearable for me, and I still have no resistance to the disgusting scenes. This is also the reason why in addition to feeling depressed, there is always a feeling of vomiting during the whole process.

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The Divide quotes

  • Sam: What was that? Another bomb?

    Mickey: That was our building coming down.

  • Wendi: I don't want to be down here. I want to go now.

    Mickey: I know, sweetie. But Uncle Mickey says we have to stay.

    Wendi: Why?

    Mickey: Because your face will melt off and your hair will fall out.