Rachel is so beautiful

Domenico 2022-03-24 09:02:25

Rachel is so beautiful, she
feels so skin is so good. Whether it's a shirt, a suit, a business dress, or an evening dress, she looks so good even in pajamas. She's prettier than darcy. I don't know how much
the two of them were study partners at school. I feel like why no one said anything? On the night when I was about to grab your hand, the night stopped because of D's appearance. It's six years. Why didn't anyone say anything until they were getting married. It seems that many movies have chosen It's just that you messed up their schedules this time. Rachel finally bravely faced and corrected her mistakes. They are so worthy. Especially when they held hands at the end, they looked at each other so sweetly and that morning Rachel said. It's good to wake up like this, she's so beautiful at this moment

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Something Borrowed quotes

  • Ethan: [about Dex] Oh my God. So when are you gonna tell him? Do you want me to tell him? I would love to tell him.

    Rachel: It's none of your business. I told Darcy to marry him. I'm bowing out.

    Ethan: Rachel, she just told you she's cheating. You want your opportunity, take it.

  • Ethan: I don't really get it. I don't get how you let her win all the time.

    Rachel: Wow.

    Ethan: Oh, no. "Wow" nothing. Because if the tables were turning, you'd think she'd let you win?

    Rachel: Will you stop? What is it with you two? Why do you hate her so much?

    Ethan: What are you talking about? I don't hate her. I hate the fact that you yield at her at every turn.