He is my son!

Cleve 2022-04-11 09:01:08

father, son. That kind of tacit understanding, expectation, estrangement, and understanding always tell the content of the movie between father and son. Having a cute, strong, but boyish dad always makes me irresistible to these kinds of movies. The scene that bothers me the most is when Artie crackles Dady in the head, blaming him for not convincing Harry. "It's all your fault!"
Haven't we blamed like that?
That year, I rode on your neck to watch the dragon dance. There were too many people in front of you. You wanted to watch it from behind. I thought you were going to take me away and grab your hair and ears for a while.
Now that I have grown up, I have something to ask of you and blame you for not doing well.
In fact, Dady is Dady, and he is also a big boy who is occasionally childish and will not mature and succeed in everything.
I've seen many father-son movies, but haven't seen a great father-daughter drama? It's really unfair, I'm starting to feel that it's a pity that a man doesn't have such a kid in his life!

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The Boys Are Back quotes

  • Artie: Daddy.

    Joe Warr: What is it, sweet heart?

    Artie: I want to die.

    Joe Warr: Do you? Why?

    Artie: So I can be with mommy.

    Artie: Don't worry daddy, I'll stay down here with you for now.

    Joe Warr: Thanks.

  • Laura: Do you want to say something about the cat?

    Artie: Cat food looks better than it tastes.