Half Hitchcock, half Hepburn

Deanna 2022-03-23 09:02:10

This "Enigma" can be called a combination of half Hitchcock and half Hepburn, which may be a bit unfair to director Stanley Dornan, whose "Singing in the Rain" is enough to show its status, but The film does have a very obvious brand of fatness from the title design to the creation of Cary Grant and the spy as "MacGuffin". However, due to Hepburn's joining, the whole article always exudes Hepburn's charming charm. There is indeed a lot of chemical reactions between him and Grant. The lines are full of wisdom, and Walter Matthew's very good supporting role interpretation keeps the suspense of the story. , Unfortunately, the suspense from Hitchcock is still a lot of skill. Fans who like Grant and Hepburn will not be disappointed. If you want to watch a classic old movie, you will not be disappointed.

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Charade quotes

  • Reggie Lampert: Oh, I don't know who anybody is...

    Adam Canfield: Reggie, I beg you. Just trust me once more.

    Reggie Lampert: Why should I?

    Adam Canfield: [slight pause] I can't think of a reason in the world why you should.

  • Hamilton Bartholomew: Stop, Mrs. Lampert, or I'll kill you!

    Adam Canfield: It won't get you the stamps, Dyle. You'll still have to come out, and I'm not likely to miss at this range.

    Hamilton Bartholomew: Maybe not, but it takes a lot of bullets to kill me. They left me there with five in my leg and my stomach. They knew I was alive, but they left me there. I spent ten months in a German prison camp with nothing to stop the pain. They left me there. They deserved to die.

    Adam Canfield: But I had nothing to do with it.

    Hamilton Bartholomew: You've got the money now. It belongs to me. Mrs. Lampert, they knew I was alive, but they left me there. That's why I had to kill them. All four of them. Please believe me: I'll kill you too. It won't make any difference... I've come too far to turn back. I swear I'll kill you!