To live is to be born, to live!

Ernest 2022-10-05 09:03:01

Apart from Michelle's performance, there should be nothing left of this film that impresses people. I admit that I like Monroe. Who in the world doesn't like such a pity, sensitive and vulnerable woman? But this movie is indeed a bit disappointing. Even against Monroe and Michelle, it can only give three points.
There are jazz soundtracks and jazz interludes everywhere in the whole movie, but there is no trace of Jazz feeling in the movie, which makes me who loves jazz so much? When I ordered this movie, I felt deeply like I had switched to schizophrenia, with jazz in my ears and pseudo-documentary flashes in front of my eyes, weird rhythms and weird cuts. I keep reminding myself that this movie has nothing to do with jazz, but I still can't resist, my longing for JazzMovie.
Well, that doesn't matter anymore. Let’s just say this movie is good, let’s not discuss the authenticity of this fake documentary, we only look at the content. I remember when I was a child, about the third or fourth grade of elementary school, when I just learned to keep a diary. Our language teacher reminded us over and over again not to write the diary as a running account. What is a running account, for example. When I was a child, I often wrote in my diary: I went to school today, and I fell on the way. I got up and continued walking. When I got to school, I had a fight with my classmates. The teacher criticized us for a meal. Carefully ate a fly. This is the running account. When I was young, I knew that running accounts were not good. Could it be that the director is so old that he doesn't even know this. In the movie, except for Monroe's daily life in a week, the rest are the obscenities of the director and screenwriter.

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------- Dividing line, below is my gibberish, has nothing

to do with this movie, and the ignorant and arrogant person who is unaware of life will eventually be Crushed by the wheels of history.

I finally expressed this sentence completely. When I said this sentence, I really, really wanted to swear to vent. This is not a malevolent curse, I prefer to see it as my kind of prophecy that will come true. When you are so disgusted with a person, you will hope that he will disappear from your eyes immediately. It is best to evaporate. Like the person who came into close contact with the sun in the movie "The Sun Catastrophe", he instantly turned into ashes. Of course, I see flies, mice, mosquitoes, cockroaches, and the like with the same idea. Yes, that's it. It's just disgust, nothing more.

Life, does it not only bring people the truth? Living in such a real life, in the world, and in reality, people ignore the reality of life only because of how stupid, stupid, hypocritical, ignorant and incompetent people are. Just by living in the world of your own lust, while weaving your own dreams and creating your own fairy tales, you are complacent to others. How does this make others accept it? To make other people willing to play soy sauce to accompany acting in such a ridiculous world, just to satisfy such a person's poor vanity and shameful sense of accomplishment? Just like Murong Fu in "Tian Long Ba Bu", let the group of ignorant and greedy children shout "Long live the emperor", "We will still shout like this tomorrow, will you give us candy?". There are thousands of people in the world, what kind of bird in the forest are you? In addition to disgust, it seems that I can only ignore it. Anyway, I can't be a poor child who is begging for candy. Treating this kind of person seems to be the same as treating dandruff on the shoulders and collars. Take a pat, and it's gone, yay! It doesn't matter who the fuck you are or who, anyway, you have nothing to do with me.

To live is to be born, to live! I don't remember who said this sentence, and there is an inexhaustible philosophy in the vulgarity. Life may bring us hardships, ups and downs, or ditches or hurdles. Maybe one day I will really encounter a mountain of knives and a sea of ​​fire, and the whole meaning of life must contain these contents. If you haven't experienced these, how can you experience life. Of course, life brings us not only these, there are many, many more. Just like the ups and downs, those can only be counted as part of the bitter, and there are countless sweets. But if you don't experience the pain of failure, how can you experience the sweetness of success?

Anyway, I will be high-spirited and desperate to survive, what about others?

P, s, as I said before, this is just nonsense. Don't let anyone sit in the right seat. If someone accidentally finds that he looks like the person in the story, then I can only say sorry. This story is purely fictitious, and any coincidences are purely similar. Well, if there is, change it, if not, add encouragement.

March 9 Chongqing

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My Week with Marilyn quotes

  • Sir Owen Morshead: The Queen is sorry to have missed you.

    Marilyn Monroe: Really?

    Sir Owen Morshead: Oh, yes. Why, she was only saying to me the other day, "what must it be like to be the most famous woman on earth"?

  • Spectator: [Marilyn strikes a pose] Are you somebody, mate?

    Colin Clark: No. I'm no one.