mad love

Marianna 2022-03-23 09:02:29

The film tells a love story that separates two places. At the beginning of the film, it has been shot in a faint yellow light, and the acquaintance and love between the heroine Anna and the hero Jacob are described in a romantic and moving way. The soft background and soft makeup make Anna and Jacob's silhouettes, eyes, lips, and even their laughter extremely warm. The film's first divergence came before the summer break. Jacob's reluctance and Anna's helplessness pushed the film to its first climax. After receiving the "patient" bracelet from Jacob, Anna decided to ignore the visa and stayed for the summer vacation. After the summer vacation, Anna was prevented from going through customs due to her visa violation. The film first used the champagne and flowers that Jacob prepared for Anna, and then used reality to hit the audience hard. They are separated from each other, and the lack of communication leads to their feelings fading. A call from Jacob rekindles their love. But trust, suspicion, reason, and sensibility are too difficult to balance. The comings and goings on the train, the intimate couples snuggling on the train, were all invisible and powerful blows to Anna. Jacob has a new girlfriend and Anna gets a promotion. A call from Anna, Jacob coming to England. they got married. But the disagreement came again, because Anna violated the rules, and they couldn't get married in the United States as they wished. The film begins another style, a feeling of irritability and loneliness. Anna and Jacob's mature faces gradually lost their soft faces, their helpless and collapsed faces, and their gradually diminishing love. Finally, the approval finally passed. Anna finally set foot on the land again, but everything was different. The changes in the environment, age, mentality, and feelings have made these two people who used to love madly become at a loss. A long-distance relationship is a test. It tests whether love is loyal enough, whether it is enough to resist temptation, and whether loneliness can easily occupy your heart. Bless the lovers of long-distance love, what you pay for love is precious.

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Like Crazy quotes

  • Jacob: I don't feel like I'm part of your life. I feel like I'm on vacation.

  • Anna: [on the phone with Jacob] I just have to say one thing and it's really important that you just listen to me. I just... It doesn't feel like this, this thing is gonna go away, it's always there. I can't... I can't get on with my life.