land of greed

Clara 2022-03-23 09:01:40

The film takes place in the United States in the 1980s. At that time, the United States had just gone through a war and experienced an economic depression. The country's economy was in a downturn. In this era, the United States carried out structural adjustments and high-tech industries. Has been developed by leaps and bounds. The story begins at such a pivotal time, in an era of economic downturn and high unemployment. The protagonist of this film, Bud, a fresh graduate from New York University, went to a securities company (Jieshi Securities Co.) to become a securities trader in order to pay off his student loans.
Lazy jazz music is used as the background, while the crowded subway in the picture, people are tired of tired eyes, and busy pedestrians form a strong contrast with the music, and life does not seem to be as beautiful as the moving music. The old employee in the securities company said to Bud: "Leave while you are young." When I saw this scene, my first thought was that I don't want to be such a person. And Bud is also the same, "You know what my dream is? It is to be able to switch to the other end of the phone one day." And the realization of this dream is not as simple as saying it in one sentence, talent, vision, hard work, opportunity, and It's all up to you to fight for it, at least that's what I think. And for a graduate who is eager to repay the loan and a lot of other expenses and has great ambitions, this may also be a good motivation. At least it can make him work desperately to get these. play hard.
Bud got a piece of valuable information from his father, and this information is very important to Bud, he can't give up like this, it can be seen here that Bud can grasp the valuable information very well, he goes to Geiger's company. It's not hard to guess that he wanted to use this news to win Geiger's favor, and he also made good use of valuable information, and this short five-minute meeting completely changed his life. It's important to seize opportunities, it's important to use valuable information, it's important to have a vision, and it's important to have goals, and it's important to run desperately in the right direction, even though it may get you hit with stars.
Here, let's briefly analyze the "noble man" Gaige that Budd encountered. Personally, I think that Gaige is a person who puts making money first, and his mind is full of how to obtain benefits. A very simple thing can be seen, Geiger was in the office, received a call from an investor, he immediately answered the phone and answered, and after a while the operator told him his wife called him, he was like He didn't respond without hearing the same thing, and continued to talk to Bud. Such a person, it is difficult for him to make money! Of course, this is just a detail, not the whole picture.
Back to movies. Bud's life has been completely changed because of a message. These are all reflections, and we don't have to discuss them too much. And one point is very interesting, from frugality to luxury is easy, but from luxury to frugality is more difficult. For the most part, people are greedy and have unlimited desires. The person who has climbed one peak has already started thinking about conquering another peak in his mind. I want a Maserati if I have a BMW. Sometimes, you actually have a way out, but you don't want to.
Guyger said to Bud at the squash club, "It takes cold blood to do this business." I understand it like this. There is no emotion in this business, and there will be no good gentleman. Everything depends on you, and nothing can help you. You need to have a cool head, and nothing outside can affect you. You need to be able to control your emotions and learn to hide your emotions. Be a smart person. As Guyger said later: "If you need a friend, get a dog." He is the most loyal to you and can't speak.
There are as many people as Bud, who graduated from prestigious universities, and are ambitious and ambitious. Therefore, I personally think that Bud cannot satisfy Gaige with the knowledge he has learned in school, and he is not so valuable to Gaige. But how can Bud give up after finally climbing the branch, as I said above. He wouldn't want to be a graduate with nothing. I think Geiger took advantage of this and Bud was less of a regular trader and more of a commercial spy. Steal valuable information by any means. After meeting Daelin at the Gayger family, it intensifies, and Gager seems happy to find out that Bud likes Daelin. Hey, what can I do to love you, the woman I love.
Bud's career has improved a little, and he went to see his father. This is very understandable. Bud loves his father very much, and Bud wants to prove in front of his father that he can achieve a career and have great achievements. . His father said something like "money is a big problem in my opinion."
I think the turning point was when Bud and Geiger signed a contract with a similar disclaimer, accompanied by a lawyer. And Bud, who was immersed in the joy of the upstarts, didn't seem to smell the danger, but put on sunglasses and enjoyed the beauty of the sun, imagining a lot of money.
"Wall Street is a brutal place, not as glamorous as what you hear on the radio on TV or what you imagine." "Don't screw anything up." "Have everything or nothing. "This is how I felt when I saw that an old employee of Jishi Securities who had worked for more than ten years was fired because he did not meet the performance requirements and that Bud had his own office. I also understand a little why Gaige said to be cold-blooded.
Bud began to think of Blue Star Airlines and told Gaige the suggestion. Gaige agreed, and it was logical that Gaige, Bud and representatives of the three major labor unions of Blue Star Airlines had a negotiation. Little Bud seems to be far less insightful and far-sighted than old Bud. He understands that everything will not be so simple, and there will be no pie in the sky. Bud also had a big fight with his father. Until Bud found out that Gayger wanted to liquidate Blue Star Airlines and sell it for profit. Maybe Bud knows what cold-blooded is and why he wants to keep a dog. Wipe your sweat, the SFC is still watching you. I thought of the sentence I once saw, "The stars in the sky are all made by you with your head."
Bud untied his tie and walked on the crowded street, which reminded me of the scene at the beginning. It all seemed to come and go too quickly. It can make you have everything in an instant and make you have nothing in an instant. Finally Bud walked into the courthouse, and the camera zoomed further and further until Bud disappeared into the crowd. Maybe there are countless people like Bud in reality. Unfortunately, he did not become cold-blooded in the end, but fortunately, he did not become cold-blooded.

First time writing a movie review, please correct me

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Wall Street quotes

  • [first lines]

    Businesswoman #1: [a crowd of businessmen stampede into an elevator] Excuse me.

    Businessman #1: Easy!

    Businesswoman #2: Excuse me!

    Businessman #2: Thank you.

    Businesswomen #3: Sorry!

    Businessman #3: Easy!

    Businessman #4: Easy!

  • [last lines]

    Carl Fox: [Bud is being dropped off in front of the courthouse] We'll park the car and catch up with you.

    Bud Fox: Alright.