
Kelli 2022-03-23 09:02:19

00:36-02:28 This album is good
13:43 That woman is really specail. She believes she can make a difference and she will.
ELLE said How's it going to look? A Harvard law professor married to a lawyer who got fired from her first job.
Her husband said: "Fired for something she believes in. It's going to look like 'Hey, there goes the luckiest guy in the whole world.'
14:43 Holy crap! It's gorgeous!
16: 20 You don't realize how horrible something is until it happens to you personally.
16:45 Her husband said
"If anybody can handle this, it's you. honey.
17:00 National Treasure Fourth of July
18:30 Everyone is right Beautiful women and good looking women are interested30
:38 It's like I always say
-- Why let someone else do for you what you can do for yourself? Except in the case of eyebrow maintenance
35:17 But I'm going to do it the Elle Woods way.
Time to get serious.
Subject-Congresswoman Libby Hauser
typified Favorites40
:57 An honest voice is louder than a crowd's. Just trust your voice.
41:07 Doggy bones are
cute44:06 By the way, that outfit looks fantastic on you. It really brings out the color in your eyes.
45:03 Never underestimate a woman with a French manicure and a Harvard law degree.
That's very sweet of you, but I couldn't have done it without your inspiration.
46:10 Ask not what your best friend can do for man ,but what you can do for man's best friend.
51:08 Representative Kroft, that lip gloss absolutely sensational on you.
59:39 But I just don't think I'm cut out for this.
59:56 Reena:"You've come farther than any of us while maintaining your bounce and sparkle. We never sparkle."
Timothy:"None of us thought one person could make a difference until you came along."
Timothy:"Elle it's time to finish what you started."
63:49 The chubby guy who owns the nail shop~ Paulette
67:00 There is no eternal enemy That Ella's boss Rudd is really
67:16 Reena just changed her hair and put on a little makeup I don't think it makes any difference but Immediately caught Timothy's eye~
72:48 Rudd is so calm when he's angry
73:28 Why does anything happen in Washington? Survival!
You have no idea what it takes to get here and stay here. The money it takes.
74 :35 The people believe what we tell them to believe.
You can't get the people to care.
75:15 As sure as I am that nobody looks good in paisley.
78:08 Emmett:"Wedding research."
Emmett:" Look. Elle, your work is here now and it's important. So I'm bringing the wedding to you. First step, get groom to Washington.
Elle:"But what about Fenway Park?
Emmett:"Look,I don't care where I marry you, just as long as I do.I do.I do.Feels good.
Elle:"So what's Step Two?
They kiss
Emmett:"That's Step Two."
79:12 Grace is united
80: 51 Elle:"Grace,Why are you helping me?"
Grace:"Because once upon a time I loved politics and I want to do some good.
Elle:"What has that got to do with me?"
Grace:"Look, those silly girls that I told you about with the blisters on their feet? I was one of them.
85:02 I had sat there and witnessed this injustice and I just let it happen. I didn't get involved in the process. I forgot to use my voice. I forgot to believe in myself. But now I know better. I know that one honest voice can be louder than a crowd. I know that if we lose our voice or if we let those who speak on our behalf compromise our voice, then, this country, this country is in for a really bad haircut. So speak up, America, Speak up! Speak up for the home of the brave! Speak up for the land of the free gift with purchase. Speak up, America, Speak up! And remember, you are beautiful. Thank you.

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Extended Reading

Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde quotes

  • Elle: Hi everyone!

    Timothy McGinn: Look, it's Capitol Barbie.

    Reena: She's so shiny.

  • Paulette: Ooh... the bend and snap! I did that last night naked. I broke a window though.