
Nicole 2022-12-22 07:34:43


At first glance, this is a technical film. The sky, the sea, the north, the south, the east and the west, the shooting span almost covers the entire earth. Coupled with flawless pure high-definition pixels, smooth shots, and proper switching, it is definitely possible for an organized, premeditated, skilled, and capable shooting team to complete it. Can't help but shout OH MY GOD! This shooting plan and execution are so touching!

Then I was surprised that this was an art film! In the film, there are many sea creatures that are never recognized, and their body structure is really natural beauty. With the dark blue ocean background, it kills all the well-crafted fashion shows. It must be said that the soundtrack is the soul of the whole film. The unique streamlined rhythmic swimming and screen switching of marine creatures, accompanied by the ups and downs of notes, are like a carefully rehearsed dance performance. great!

At the end of the movie, adults bring their childish children through the museum, and the narrator narrates it so that they know the scientific and educational significance of "OCEANS" as a documentary. The naked hunting scene, the discordant mix of sea water, blood water and civilized garbage, can't help but sympathize with the animal's own perspective to pity and pity this ocean... After a second thought, I realized that I was one of the murderers who destroyed it along the way, and I immediately felt sorry for it. I felt resentful and swore to love the ocean from now on!

...Although I admit that as a movie watcher, I have always been too easily incited. But I still believe that the meaning of thinking brought out by this large-scale documentary film is indeed influential.

So beautiful, so cruel.
Thanks to the production team!

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Extended Reading

Oceans quotes

  • Narrator: Human indifference, without a doubt, is the ocean's greatest threat.

  • Narrator: Every breath we take, and every drop we drink, depends on a healthy ocean. Now, their life depends on us.