they cannot escape the history

Rodger 2022-04-10 08:01:01

Rogue Trader
Today, I saw the movie Rogue Trader. It definitely states the people's mind and the condition of stock market. I had read some material which talks about Rosechald's programs' process. I have to say the Barlin Bank lacked of the administration for the low position. Their eyes was lacked by the huge profits, and didn't view this problem as soon as possible. And their process's is very slow, and it was always blocked. Moreover, I thought as a great bank, if they don' t have own information line, it would be a big mistake. Actually, if they realize this, they could stay away from the destory. Finally, we could find that he didn't lose the money as much as his control. Thus, we could indicate that the Barlin Bank's history couldn't escape.

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Rogue Trader quotes

  • [Nick and Danny have mooned a group of women in a bar, and now they've returned with the police]

    Nick Leeson: Oh, you've got to be joking.

    Policeman: No laughing matter. Outraging a lady's modesty, very serious crime in Singapore.

  • Tony Hawes: He doesn't do things by the book, Ron. He just doesn't respect the rules. Is he really the kind of person we should be employing at Barings?

    Ron Baker: Oh, fuck the rules, Tony. It's barrow boys like Nick who are turning the City of London around. You can't run a modern financial centre with a bunch of Hooray Henries.