"Sometimes" it's not hatred that destroys life, it's hope

Camila 2022-03-23 09:02:18

This film was still in 2004. When I was a junior in high school, I sat on the narrow bed in the dormitory and watched it. I inexplicably like this kind of movies, not because of enthusiasm or emotional ups and downs, but after seven or eight years, I still remember some plots, how the silent colonel handled his life, went out to work for his daughter, and after many years of life, let him be careful. Remembered as a decent and glamorous person, and finally had to hold his wife's hand and leave the world.
There's nothing to blame or anything to blame, life is so alive and so
life is exhausting, exhausting
Of course life isn't always like this
The Colonel's experience in America, why need sympathy? Maybe he has hurt more people in his own country?
These are all fragments of life. The meaning and purpose of life are worth exploring and thinking about, but the most important thing is to be yourself

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House of Sand and Fog quotes

  • Hotel Security: Can I help you?

    Behrani: My car is parked here. You asked yesterday also.

  • Nadi: [In Farsi] I dreamt of a bird trapped in our empty house, it was trying to find a way out. It fluttered around hitting the walls. I could feel the air from the wings on my face. I opened the window... and it flew away.

    Behrani: Drink this.