Suddenly realized

Garth 2022-03-23 09:02:18

I read the novel, and I was told the ending before I could watch the movie. Of course, since the ending is not important, then being spoiled is not the primary factor for not watching the movie. But I didn't expect that I was disappointed by the ending of the movie, but I didn't think about it. It was just that when I was chatting with Yuan MM two days ago, she reminded me that a news I saw before should be the real version of the scandal note. Suddenly, I felt that the ending of the movie was really uncomfortable.

The real version of her was 33 years old, he was 12 years old, and they "fell in love" 9 years ago, when she was married with four children, 8 months later. When the incident happened, she was imprisoned, but found that she was pregnant with his child. The next year, their daughter was born, and she was also granted parole. A few days after she was released from prison, she ignored the ban and went to him again. This time, They were found by police in the car, and the judge could no longer forgive the woman, sending her to jail until 2005. In prison, she became pregnant with his child again, giving birth to their second daughter.

After 8 years in prison, 8 years of lovesickness, after being released from prison, they asked the judge again to let them meet. At this time, he had grown up and no one else could control it. Fortunately, the judge was not Fahai, and finally opened the Internet. On the one hand, in 2005, after living together for a few months, they held a wedding, the flower girl was their daughter, and four daughters from their ex-husband. Now, they live together in secret. Their marriage was reported in the British newspapers with the headline: "They are really in love, the whole world can shut up! ".

It was an incestuous love, but it was a great story, I read the story all over again, and suddenly I understood the ending of the movie, why the ending of the book was so different from the ending of the story, in this series of four stories Personal - two protagonists and a writer, a director, their positions are contrasted with each other, very interesting, the author is a woman, a columnist, loves beautiful clothes, loves handsome guys, and travels in high society, so she incarnates Barbara, Standing between the two lovers, although I tried my best to understand the affair, I couldn't forget my cynical ability. After all, I only knocked down a small piece of such a great story. It makes people feel emotional, just passing by the eternal work, but with her, it is also due to duty and ability. Besides, this book was written in 2003, and it is amazing to be able to write such an ending. Who would have thought that this incestuous love would eventually come to fruition, and neither would a female columnist know. We always think we can laugh at life, but we are often laughed at by life. But I finally understand the kindness of female writers. She didn't choose Shiba's imprisonment as the ending, and left some hope.

The most surprising thing is the ending of the movie. This movie was filmed in 2006. At that time, the two protagonists were actually married, but the director was a man, and the world belonged to a man, so the men changed it to let Shiba return to the family, If she is unrepentant in real life, then redeem her in the movie, how proud the morally tolerant husband is again playing the role of God, finally accepting the reformed woman, the apostate longing to return, and finally leaving On the journey. This is a victory for men as well as a victory for morality. How can a woman who is deviant and deviant be allowed to achieve a positive result? I find it funny and ironic that neither the female author nor the heroine seems to mention the word "forgive". to a man...

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House of Sand and Fog quotes

  • Hotel Security: Can I help you?

    Behrani: My car is parked here. You asked yesterday also.

  • Nadi: [In Farsi] I dreamt of a bird trapped in our empty house, it was trying to find a way out. It fluttered around hitting the walls. I could feel the air from the wings on my face. I opened the window... and it flew away.

    Behrani: Drink this.