Wall of Fate

Percival 2022-03-23 09:02:24

"The Wall of Destiny", a reasonably short Hollywood film, explores a very influential topic, affects the future of mankind, and uncovers the impact behind purpose and purpose.

The two dialogues, in a simplified form, play a key role. The war outside is happening in the middle of the conversation. Thoth's disappointment is expressed through the dialogue, and the politicians in his mouth are also confronted by Tom Cruise and Meryl Streep. Talk about perspective. Two conversations took place on the front lines. Through the professor's recollection and Streep's doubts, the so-called war on terror was highlighted. The professor thought it was not feasible. The two students insisted on serving, which created an intersection with Toth's frustration. Under the means of politicians, there are two kinds of people, one is those who are forgotten by the country and the politicians and insist on contributing to the country, and the other is those who give up hope for the country and politics.

An action of the war, the role of the chain in the dialogue between the four people is very specific. The two deceased service students intensified the tension of the dialogue on the side of the interview and on the side of the persuasion. This technique makes the plot of the dialogue not move. The simpler the technique, the more difficult it is to express, has this key. effect. Standing on one side of the wall is Streep, and on the other side is Toth. It seems to be three things, and it seems to be one thing. It is not only the war that walks into the alley, but also values ​​and beliefs.

The one-and-a-half-hour-long film deconstructs what kind of contradiction lies behind the purpose and the purpose, and reflects the current problems realistically. The personalities of several main characters are shown through short descriptions, and the opposition of identities further highlights the characteristics of the characters. The whole movie is surprisingly smooth, and it doesn't feel dull under the premise of this discussion.

Faith is born and shaken in reality. It is not an illusion. Just like when we face the group of candidates on the street who are making a final sprint for tomorrow's district council election, that wonderful mentality is associated with their backsides. or actual situation.

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Lions for Lambs quotes

  • Senator Jasper Irving: Through precise military action, we will take the essential first step.

    Janine Roth: First step? But what have we been doing for the past six years, Senator? World War II took less than five.

  • Senator Jasper Irving: In sense we're both on the same team. We're teammates. We're both have a responsibility. You've already sold the war. Now I'm asking you to help me sell the solution.