Silence does not bring truth

Bailee 2022-03-23 09:01:54

Although, the film I'm reviewing today, "Masquerade," was pretty good, but I did fall asleep once or twice in the middle and ended up watching it twice.

In my opinion, this film is mainly about whether people can face themselves? How to face yourself and face the subject of others. In short, it is a question of how to adapt and how to adapt.

In the movie, Elizabeth is a famous actress with coquettish eyeliner and distinct eyebrows, but once in front of the camera, she suddenly stopped, and she looked around with a confused expression. What did she seem to notice? what is that? It's her situation, the various roles she's been playing.

In front of the camera, she is the person in the script; the character conceals her ordinary self; in life, she continues the "me", "perfect woman" in the movie, as a woman with her own career and pursuit, she has no children She did not expect to be a mother, but because others said she did not have a "mother heart", she asked her husband to let her conceive a child. After giving birth to the child, "she does have the beauty that she has never had", she sees Seems perfect, impeccable.

But deep down in her heart, she was suffering, not only suffering from disgusting children, but also suffering from schizophrenia due to deep introspection and hating herself.

So she chose to be silent, not to speak, neither to justify nor to talk about it. Maybe she had already hated all kinds of fake faces and thought that if she stopped speaking, she would stop hypocrisy.

Elma is a female nurse who takes care of Elizabeth in the hospital. After she met Elizabeth for the first time, she said to the doctor, "Elizabeth has a strong mental strength, and I am afraid that I cannot cope with her."

Afterwards, Elizabeth and Elma moved to The doctor's beach hut spent the summer on a pleasant summer day, and they both loved the warm, natural environment. Elizabeth remained silent, only with a faint smile when she looked at Elma. Encouraged by this warmth, Elma took off her identity and mask as a nurse, and told Elizabeth her true self. , her infidelity to love and her shame of self-stopping, etc. At this time, she seems very brave, but bravery is still a fake, the real she is very fragile and sensitive, how she hopes to get Elizabeth The understanding and tolerance of Elizabeth, but what Elizabeth gave was still only hugs and silence, which undoubtedly tightened Elma's nerves, and finally, after peeking at Elizabeth's letter, her heart was full of hatred.

Silence, silence, only silence, surrounded by shocking loneliness, you must know that people are isolated by nature, apart from communication, how do you understand other people's thoughts? What's more, human beings are born fragile, and their true self after a disguise has been removed is actually a disadvantage. It needs the tolerance of others so that it will not be limited to despair, but people's indifference leads to this tolerance can only be limited. .

So do you want to take off the mask? The true self is the one who lacks moral values, indulges in sexuality, narcissism, and self-centeredness, while others see me as loyal, dedicated, tolerant, and listening. Showing your true self terrifies you, your lack of morality makes you out of tune with your environment and makes you question yourself; but wearing a fake face leaves you exhausted, feeling trapped in all sorts of "must haves", and eventually Elizabeth two. Neither chooses, falling into endless silence.

Elizabeth chose to remain silent, while Elma chose to reveal her true self. The former was a form of despair, while the latter was an attempt. Elizabeth was like a god who could see through everything. Since human beings are cursed, they will be destroyed, so she simply shut her mouth. Waiting for the final judgment; Elma is a person of hope and fear at the same time. She seems to admit the flaws and fragility of human beings. in fear of giving up.

It got me thinking about my relationship with my boyfriend, and my self-knowledge deepened as we interacted.

I met him on the Internet. It is undeniable that at that time, I beautified myself intentionally or unintentionally, and faced him with a beautiful mask. You can be more "excellent". I chose to express myself in words, because we communicate mainly online, and I disguised myself as a male peacock with a gorgeous tail, which was both proud and illusory. When I write, I think about the various reactions of others when they read it, and I hope that what I get is affirmation rather than doubt, and I hope that the person on the opposite side of the Internet can appreciate myself.

To this day, I don’t want to deny my past, I don’t want to cover up, beautify, but I don’t feel ashamed, blame myself, and taking off my mask is just my conscious behavior in love. Loving someone always makes me feel something I want to tell. The other party's secret impulse, hoping that the other party can understand him and understand this sense of vulnerability. Although the process is uneasy, it is also calm.

At the same time, I have also deepened my understanding of myself. I am essentially a whiteboard. Even if the colorful fuel painted on it can shape the sinking fish and geese, if it can be easily wiped off, it means that it has not really entered my heart. If any language does not come from the heart, it is not necessary to speak it.

As a result, I became more cautious and less expressive and engaged, but I was also anxious about the emptiness inside, which also led me to think about what my true self is like? How do I go on? I think that only by knowing the true self can one find the way to self-improvement. Catering to any kind of experience of others or the principles of any book, without absorbing yourself, can only produce hypocrisy and lies, deceiving both the other party and yourself, and making yourself a corner of other people's script forever.

But of course, in order to improve any kind of relationship, both parties need to reveal themselves and admit their fragility and flaws, as brave as Elma in the movie, but also need both parties' tolerance and genuine understanding of each other, that is, to There is a consensus in the compassion of human frailty that people are not perfect, but people can improve themselves. Through frank communication and mutual support, people can walk out of the road of despair.

Negative indifference and mockery of human nature do not improve the human condition, but only worsen it. Only compassion (understanding that one is in the same situation as others), open communication, and relentless questioning of meaning can truly improve the human situation.

But most importantly, practice! Understand, but also need continuous practice!

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Persona quotes

  • Sister Alma: I wonder what's really wrong with her. Elisabet Vogler. Elisabet.

  • Sister Alma: At the hospital where I took my exam, there's a home for old nurses who were nurses all their lives and lived for their work and were always in uniform. They live in their little rooms there. Imagine believing so strongly in something that you devote your entire life to it. Having something to believe in, working at something, believing your life has meaning. I like that. Holding on tight to something, no matter what -- I think that's how it should be. Meaning something to other people. Don't you agree?