Banned film remake

Eveline 2022-03-23 09:02:02

The version shot in 1978 was listed as a banned film. In 2010, there were people who did good things in the film and put it on the screen again. There are indeed many restricted-level shots, full of bloody and violent revenge. After watching it, you will definitely have the consciousness not to make women anxious, and don't look at their weak bodies. Once they are forced to that point, they can really do anything. The other thing is that it is best not to do anything that hurts the world, but if you do, you have to do it absolutely, and never give your opponent any chance to turn over.

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Extended Reading

I Spit on Your Grave quotes

  • Johnny: [Johnny is working at the gas station. He hears a bell ring from a customer; the customer is a young, attractive female with her back turned. He walks towards her] Morning. Hey, there! Can I fill you up?

    [the female patron suddenly turns around with a tire iron in her hand; it's Jennifer. She strikes Johnny with the iron bar and knocks him out]

  • Johnny: Matthew here says that you didn't pay him for fixing your sink!

    Jennifer: That's not true; he ran out!


    Jennifer: I'll take care of it.

    [Jennifer retrieves her purse to get money; all of the men chuckle at her]