After many years, everyone is not at the same starting point, only good memories are left. .

Lavonne 2022-12-19 06:01:31

Recently, I like watching movies, because some movies can teach me some truths in life. Today I watched the movie "Women's Dialogue". Unlike several warm and touching movies I watched a few days ago, it is not perfect The ending, there is no choppy plot, no touching lines, but it has been light and lightly written bit by bit to narrate some truths, it is not a warm film, there are even some regrets, there are so many There is a trace of helplessness, there is a trace of things that cannot be changed, and the most important thing is the ending that cannot be changed. . I have always wanted to know, why people always have to miss it before they regret it, and why they say they can't be saved until they can't be saved. .

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Conversations with Other Women quotes

  • [first lines]

    Man: Wish me luck.

  • Woman: Tell me, how old is umm... Sarah the Dancer.

    Man: Oh, she's a... she's a college graduate.

    Woman: Her age?

    Man: She's a recent college graduate.

    Woman: Yeah, like 21.

    Man: 22.

    [Woman walks away. Man follows]

    Man: But she's 23 on August the 12th!

    Woman: 23 on August the 12th... Well, that's a beautiful age.

    Man: Why would you wanna know?

    Woman: You know why I wanted to know.

    Man: Maybe I do. Say it anyway.

    Woman: I wanted to know because I wanted to know. I wanted know if you were flirting with me.

    Man: What does Sarah's age have to do with it?

    Woman: I am the same age as you, I think, and a man, my age, who prefers 23 on August the 12th might not flirt with someone who is... lets just say 15 years past 23 on August the 12th.