Violent pornography is harmful

Mireille 2022-04-20 09:01:49

Violent pornographic films are really harmful, especially those that make black films such as underground abuse, murder, and dismemberment. They are simply inhumane. Some masochists really don't know what's going on, maybe their heads are broken. It seems that there were many movies about this kind of black film in that era. Was there really a crooked trend of watching movies like this in movie theaters at that time? In the film, Marx imagined that his stomach was like a vagina, and he put a gun in it and took it out. too disgusting. Then he can kill people by fantasy, I rely on it!

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Videodrome quotes

  • Brian O'Blivion: The battle for the mind of North America will be fought in the video arena: the Videodrome. The television screen is the retina of the mind's eye. Therefore, the television screen is part of the physical structure of the brain. Therefore, whatever appears on the television screen emerges as raw experience for those who watch it. Therefore, television is reality, and reality is less than television.

  • Barry Convex: You'll forgive me if I don't stay around to watch. I just can't cope with the freaky stuff.