After watching this film after three years, I finally understand what the theme is about.

Jevon 2022-03-23 09:02:54

At first I thought it was just a story of how someone who lives in his own world is persistent in pursuing his dreams. When I was young, I didn't understand it.
When I watched it for the second time, it turned out that it was about the love of a father and a daughter.
Although the daughter does not understand what her father did, she has always cherished this not-so-beautiful family relationship. Although she has been reluctant, she still supports her father's treasure hunt plan, and in the process, she begins to experience family love that she has not experienced for a long time. with joy.
Old Charlie is a lunatic, he lives in his own world. But a lunatic loves his own daughter too. He didn't want his daughter to live a miserable life that did not match her age, so he used his own crazy ways, and even his own life in exchange for a bright future for his daughter.

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Extended Reading

King of California quotes

  • Charlie: Catastrophe equals opportunity.

  • Miranda: [first lines - narration] Technically what happened wasn't my fault. I'm a minor, I'm not responsible for my actions. Technically.

    [alarm sounds, everyone runs]

    Miranda: But these things should be taken on a case-by-case basis. In our case, I've always been the responsible party. Someone had to look out for him.