Children can be cruel too

Alice 2022-11-26 13:50:04

Sometimes I can't help shuddering when I see children or teenagers doing some bad or cruel things. When I was a child, I grew up with "human nature is inherently good", and then I gradually realized that human nature is inherently evil. It's not unreasonable either. But education plays the most important role here.

Most of the family scum parents educate scum children, enlightened parents educate enlightened children, children are the shadow of their parents, what is wrong with children is the fault of the surrounding environment, and the evil of children is learned from the surrounding environment evil.

How important education and tolerance are, how many people really understand.

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That's What I Am quotes

  • Norman Grunmeyer: If I had Big G's body, I'd have kicked Freel's ass! Then I'd have kicked Ricky Brown's ass just to cool down.

  • Mr. Clear: You know, it's funny, I... I've been watching you deliver your papers there and, uh... You've got a hell of an arm, by the way, kid.

    Andy Nichol: Thank you.

    Mr. Clear: But somehow you just seem to hit everybody's porch but mine. You got any theories on that?