unparalleled enthusiasm

Abagail 2022-11-06 05:06:29

How did Jet Li's status in martial arts films come about? After watching this movie, you know it all.
When the title of the film "Huang Feihong" was typed out at the beginning of the film and the theme song "Men Be Strong" sounded, I was in a state of absolute excitement. Yes, I watched this movie when I was a kid! !
Pork Rong, Liang Kuan, and Teetha Su, what kind of names~! (There is also an Akai? I didn't notice it before)
This film is about the "gold rush" to the United States that started in the coastal areas of Guangdong in the late Qing Dynasty.
action. Liang Kuan is light and light, while pork is tough. There is also our Master Huang, who is sharp and steady, rarely makes even the slightest mistake in the fight, and the action is so clever that it looks beautiful in slow motion! ! ! ! (The fight with Yan Zhendong is extremely good-looking.)
First, let's talk about the negative plots in the film. There are three impressive ones.
①Aunt Thirteen did not bring out the paper fan with the words "unequal treaty" written in her haste, Huang Xiang Thirteen was furious--"I don't want to see these foreign things in the future, otherwise, if I see one, I will smash one. Pieces!", (how can it be so severe.) The depth of love, the responsibility. Even those who care a lot about them don't cherish the things that are very important to them. In the context of the burning of the medical hall, various elements are mixed together, but the outbreak is inevitable. (In my impression, Huang only lost his temper here)
②Aunt Thirteen was locked in a small black room, and Huang was locked in a prison.
③ On the stage, the Americans shot at the ordinary people under the stage with guns. Thirteen Auntie's eyes filled with tears, and Huang's was helpless.

OK, let's talk about the positives. There are so many funny scenes in the film that always make me laugh out loud! !
①On the stage, Liang Kuan was very unconvinced after being beaten by Huang, and wanted to "revenge him". When he got up and left, Aunt Thirteen hit him on the head with a stick and shouted, "Don't move!". (It's funny) -- "Ow~~ You told me not to move, why are you hitting me~~" O(∩_∩)O~
②The conflict between the Shazhou people and the militiamen caused by Liang Kuan caused the Western restaurant to be smashed. The militia members were detained by the government. Bao Zhilin, at the dinner table, the apprentices were afraid to use chopsticks. At this time, Aunt Thirteen came over and said a few words in Huang's ear. (It's lively now--) Huang: "Pick up vegetables and eat rice." Following Huang's password, the apprentices picked up chopsticks in a uniform manner, picked vegetables, set aside rice, and "swallowed"! ! O(∩_∩)O Haha~, this laughter hits me.
ps: 1. Pork Rong is too fat to eat, even the steps and thresholds cannot be walked well, and it always falls. 2. Haha, Jet Li was very tender at that time~~ He was still a master who pushed "Uncle" a lot, and his appearance was obviously "difficult to convince the public". He even picked up the hookah twice, but he didn't see any smoking. 3.
Thirteenth Aunt is very direct, expressing her love for Huang, Huang also felt it, but it was because of the difference in seniority and deliberately avoided. (However, it was gradually assimilated later. It can also be seen from the incident of wearing a suit.) 4. In the prison, the guards guarding the prison let Huang go, but Huang did not leave, saying: "There is a national law." A minute later, Ya Zha Su came to the prison to report a letter (I didn't know how to get in, no one stopped him, and it was like following up with his own family, haha). After talking, Huang heard five words - "Aunt Thirteen was arrested", his face changed, go, save people. Yes, the Thirteenth Aunt is more important than the national law! ! ^_^
Actually, the funniest and funniest sentence in the film is from Huang Zhikou:
Go to Thirteen Aunt and protect her! ”
(This sentence has appeared N times, and will appear frequently in the future ^_^)

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Once Upon a Time in China quotes

  • Yim: No matter how good our kung-fu is, it will never defeat guns.

  • Wong Fei Hung: Why so many swords and daggers on the table?