Whether it's true or not, it makes sense

Lola 2022-11-10 22:45:05

Consciousness determines behavior. Everything in the universe must obey the law of attraction. What do you want to do, what do you want, or who you want to be. Then you work hard to believe in yourself, and consciousness will lead you to the path of success you expect.

First, determine the ideal. Deep down in your heart, what do you want you to have? Is what you expect really what you need from your heart? If you hesitate, you are one step away from success. Well, now what you expect is set. Then, all you have to do is believe that you have got these things and feel really happy. So, all you have to do is to wait in joy for the quiet implementation of the laws of nature. It doesn't matter what method or approach the universe will use, in the end you will eventually have what you want.

Of course, to do this, there must be enough prerequisites. Enough optimism, self-confidence, and gratitude. Thank you for having a strong body, beautiful family, friends, I believe that a beautiful life is still waiting for you ahead, and you have enough confidence to walk the next road. If you say, you have done it, then why didn't I expect it to come. Don't worry, wait a second, under the appearance of your expectation, it is bred. If you give up, what you expect will be far from you. Do what makes you happy, and your happy feeling keeps you focused on what you want. Some people will say, what about those annoying things, the more you want them to disappear, the more your consciousness will focus on the bad things, and the law of the universe doesn't care if you like it or not, your consciousness will bring certain result. The best way is to turn your attention to what you want.

I know it's really hard to believe such a theory. But I really experienced it. Chat with good friends and talk to a friend who has not been in touch for a long time. Said it was time to get in touch, but I don't know how she's been doing recently. As a result, the next day, she really qed me, although only for a while. But how can this be explained?

No matter what, as long as you are grateful, confident, and happy, even if you don't get what you want in the end, you should be happy.

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The Secret quotes

  • Bob Proctor: Now, if you don't understand it, that doesn't mean that you should reject it. You don't understand electricity probably. First of all, no one even knows what electricity is. And yet you enjoy the benefits of it. Do you know how it works? I don't know how it works. But I do know this: that you can cook a man's dinner with electricity; and you can also cook the man.

  • Michael Beckwith: It has been proven now, scientifically, that an affirmative thought is hundreds of times more powerful than a negative thought.