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Derrick 2022-12-02 07:09:25

It's the second time I've watched this movie, so I'd better write down my thoughts or I'll forget it. Gray was originally a little selfish ghost. He often played with the simple and honest Raleigh. In fact, most of the time he was bullying him. Thinking he'd be popular, he often coached Raleigh on how to be cool. But he finds that Raleigh is more popular than him. He is envious and jealous. On a patrol, he made a mistake and put the blame on Raleigh. After discovering the truth, Raleigh decided not to hang out with this selfish person. The innocent and kind Raleigh was very popular with other classmates. On the contrary, Gray was often alone. getting lower and lower. Finally, when the bad boys come to get revenge on the two of them, the boy forces Raleigh to eat the cursed cheese, and everyone is afraid to touch the cursed person. At this point, Gray stepped forward and rescued Raleigh. Although no one was on his side in the end, he won back Raleigh's friendship.
In fact, everyone has a selfish side, and Gray is not a child with a bad nature. All he did to get Gray's attention was because he really valued his friend. He is more mature than a child in his childhood, and his thinking seems to be more social. When getting along with friends, he often only thinks about himself and ignores others. Finally, he should also learn to think in another person's shoes and take care of the other person's feelings.

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Diary of a Wimpy Kid quotes

  • Frank Heffley: I think Dorothy deserved it.

  • Rodrick Heffley: No time-out. Only *death*.