a thumb down

Eleonore 2022-03-24 09:03:12

Well, I was wrong in the first place.
At the beginning, I saw the introduction of the heroine in a foreign fashion magazine. Because the name of this movie is so good, even a person with an extreme memory loss can easily remember it, so I wrote it down, so Just buy it.
In fact, now I have forgotten about the introduction of the heroine. Maybe I have watched too many Bazaar and Tatler. The gorgeous women in them are all the same, and they all overlap each other. It seems that, it can only be said that the heroine is a rich woman. The second generation (called ladies abroad) is also a supermodel. Among her film and television works, this is undoubtedly the most famous one.
Why I think she should be a supermodel, because someone once said that models only have two expressions: shocked and bored. Thinking about it now, it does.
Prosperity is followed by emptiness, which seems to be the theme of this film (a very vulgar theme by the way). Unfortunately, the film itself has become an empty shell under the gorgeous packaging.

The film's sets are top-notch, the soundtrack is top-notch, (and of course, the costumes are top-notch), so much so that you think you've discovered a forgotten classic. So you wait, wait patiently, wait to be moved by it, wait to be shocked by it...and you don't feel anything.
I don't know how the other child's shoes saw "what's hot under the white lambskin" on the heroine (hot steak?) Anyway, I think her performance is very unconvincing, she just stared at two eyes, Travel through various plots and do things that you can't imagine at all. (For example, in the episode where she met a macho guy in Nice, I thought she found out about the macho guy's secret---the one who came to their house to cheat them out of money---a bunch of actors actually misled me to this point, you can see the first half of the episode. How vague and ambiguous the show is).

I also have a lot of opinions on the director. why? Obviously, this is a remake of Mrs Chatterley, but all masterpieces have to check when they were written to know why it's a masterpiece. Mrs. Chatterley, published in 1928, such a story was not only sensational, but also revolutionary at that time. And the film made in 2009, after the distant 90 years, is there any new idea? Well, you said that human nature is the same, then the society is changing, the way people of different generations deal with relationships, dealing with marriage and extramarital affairs, is there any difference? If there is no entanglement between traditional textile industry families and international assets, what era do you think this story happened in? the 50s? 80's? It's not like the 21st century anyway.
So, sorry I can't agree with the 4 stars you all gave, I'm going to give it a thumbs down.


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I Am Love quotes

  • Elisabetta Recchi: Happy is a word that makes one sad.

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