If I am old and dead, and suddenly come back to life and still young,

Adell 2022-03-25 09:01:23

After watching the movie, I had to marvel at Coppola's imagination. If I wake up tomorrow, my face is covered with wrinkles, and I am suddenly old.
I am walking on the street alone. There are thunderstorms, but there is only a little black who can't open it. Umbrella, momentary loneliness and helplessness, will I suddenly crush my old self,
and what is even more tragic is that I hold the umbrella alone, thinking that it is my only support under the thunderstorm, even though I can't stop it for me Rain, at least, stay with me, but, it attracts lightning,
the face that falls to the ground, blood and terror cover the vicissitudes and loneliness of the crawling,
passers-by are curiously watching, stop and go, but, only stay Surprise,
I thought I was dead.
It is said that dying people always flash a little movie of their own life in their minds in an instant.
I was thinking, if I died, what kind of clips would the flashed movie be?

I remembered My girlfriend, the love that I neglected because I was busy with my career, she is gone and
lonely, stubbornness and bad temper,
I am not dead, but I think of the blue envelope in my drawer, I thought, why didn't I open it,
resurrected, It's not necessarily a happy thing, at least for me,
I don't like my original label, so I changed the label,
but resurrection is a miracle, for them. It's a pleasure, so. I became a specimen, I thought.
What will happen to the specimen, maybe it will die, do countless experiments, maybe receive different degrees of electric shock, life and death are all in their own hands.

So, I ran away, thanks to the kind attending physician
But, I don't trust anyone by nature, so, he doesn't know, in fact, I have another personality that exists with me, ask me, where is the third rose ,

I met Laura, no, it was Villanica, but, they were so similar, I knew I was in love with her, I couldn't hide anything in front of her, maybe the odd are always attracted to the

odd . I'm still a child. She is constantly retro.
The horror of the night is no match for a warm sincerity. Of course, I am still selfish, and I use her pain to write a legendary topic that belongs to me,
but I am destined to be lonely, maybe. So, she's getting old, no, she's getting old suddenly, I know, once my research is over, her life will end (I don't understand the logic here, it's probably her own self-righteous assumption, it doesn't matter, anyway, the whole It 's all hypothetical)
So, I left, still choose to leave, multiple choice in love, but, last time it was Laura's choice, this time it was my giving up,
but the camera switched to the cold and wet ground, still, white A dead head, a lonely eye, a helpless gesture,
maybe it was the movie before I died, a dream longing to be reborn, a love longing for a new life,
life, originally unpredictable, who knows,

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Extended Reading

Youth Without Youth quotes

  • Dominic: [records his voice] Geneva, 1941, May the 7th. Dominic Matei. Dictation. The documents in the Geneva safety deposit box summarize my life, which was profoundly changed in the spring of 1938 in front of the Gara de Nord railroad station in Bucharest. My first experiences were described and analyzed by Prof. Roman Stanciulescu, in reports which were confiscated by the Nazis.

    [now watching a cinema newsreel of 22nd June, 1941. V.O. continues]

    Dominic: The war rages around me. I'm a fugitive in neutral Switzerland, encircled by the Axis powers. My Romanian homeland has made a pact with the devil - Adolf Hitler - and may soon be under siege... I've lost contact with my dear friend Prof. Stanciulescu, which could mean that he's been killed... I live in fear, dreading what awaits in the alleyways, eluding capture by my wits, moving from hotel to rooming house, always working on my book.

    Dominic: [V.O. continues. Dominic forges his documents] November the 30th, 1941. Zurich. Dominic Matei. I have explained in Portfolio B how I instinctively found the talent to preserve myself. Living like a secret agent, I discovered abilities to forge documents, change addresses and prepare disguises...

    [visits a bank]

    Dominic: Shortly before he disappeared, Prof. Stanciulescu arranged a bank account for me. In Geneva. Under the name of William Patterson. Now, without him, his funds will be depleted... and I will have to find other means.

    Dominic: [V.O. continues. Dominic reads newspapers in a café] February the 20th, 1942. Bern. I must face the undeniable and chilling truth... that I am a mutant. Like a character in a science fiction novel. I am a strange Superman of the future. I have access to knowledge unavailable to mankind. Powers, I don't fully understand.

    [visits a library]

    Dominic: Despite this, I try to behave as an ordinary intellectual. Working to complete my book, documenting the origin of language and human consciousness. I began to realize that with any text I have before me, if I wanted to know the content, I simply... knew it.

    Dominic: [V.O. continues. Dominic plays roulette in a casino] Lake Campione, October the 23rd, 1942. I found I could augment my income. Winning just enough not to arouse suspicion. Nothing is as it seems. I am the proof of that... I trust... no one.

  • [first lines]

    Dominic: [voice over] Sometimes... I admit to myself that it's possible... I will never be able to finish my life's work. My one and only book. And that in the end... without her... I will be nothing. And I will die alone.
