The difference between the DVD version and the high-definition version currently available on the Internet

Gerry 2022-03-23 09:02:22

From memory recall, may not fully point out.
1. After Yang hired an intersex stripper and was reprimanded by the boss, he imagined that all his colleagues cheered for him when he went out.
2. At the party, I met Rachel, who was making a comeback. The actress who once said with tears: I will always remember it, said to Yang, who are you, I really want to see you, right?
3. At the masquerade, Yang knew that Meghan was sitting on the sidelines after the last reunion, and was teased by her boss.

Welcome to add~~

This is the history of the encounter of a high-quality angry youth. It
can only be said to be a history of encounters. It is not very reliable to say that growth, development, degeneration, and awakening are not very reliable.
The male protagonist is cheap and cute, the son of a lord philosopher, who has a master's degree in philosophy, but likes to be wrapped in Vanity Fair. Speaking and doing things without thinking, they have their own sense of justice and heroic tendencies.
In fact, it looks like a middle school history now: "It's not me that's wrong, it's the world." In the middle of the second, he finally woke up and joined the mainstream, and quit completely and decisively...
Khan, when I said it, it turned into a tossing... Fortunately, I finally hugged the beauty back.
After I fell in love with SimonPegg, I dug out this film and found that I had seen it a long time ago. But at that time I only felt too crazy, but now I feel sad and the result is still too idealistic. It's really just a Hollywood movie. Not British style. Rather interested in the original.

ps: Simon is so handsome in Armani!

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Extended Reading

How to Lose Friends & Alienate People quotes

  • Alison Olsen: You know what I don't understand? You're so desperate to get a story in the magazine, so why wouldn't you play ball with Eleanor, write the puff piece?

    Sidney Young: I just, I resent being bribed to gush sycophantically about a star. I choose to gush sycophantically.

  • Sidney Young: Hey, "keep true to the dreams of thy youth."

    Alison Olsen: Is that "Troy" again?

    Sidney Young: It's Schiller.