[J. Edgar Hoover and Clyde Tolson discuss over dinner about the first time they ever met]
Clyde Tolson:
Edgar... you can lie to everyone else, the whole world, for you own sake... and for the sake of the bureau, but you cannot lie to me.
J. Edgar Hoover:
I should've never given you your job, Clyde. You know that? You weren't even qualified. You remember the day you came in for your interview.
Clyde Tolson:
I do.
J. Edgar Hoover:
You walked into my office and you fixed my window, you picked up my handkerchief. You handed it to me. You remember why I was sweating, Clyde?
Clyde Tolson:
It's because you were exercising.
J. Edgar Hoover:
No, I was... I was sweating because I... I knew at that very moment...
[Clyde hands Hoover his handkerchief from the dinner table]
J. Edgar Hoover:
... I knew at that very moment that I... I needed you. And I've never needed anyone else in my entire life. Not like that. So I began to perspire.
Clyde Tolson:
I know.
Clyde Tolson:
[Edgar grabs for his stomach and gasps]
Edgar, are you all right?
J. Edgar Hoover:
Yes, yes it's - it's just indigestion, Clyde. Let's go to dinner tomorrow night, shall we? Our old corner booth.
Clyde Tolson:
Perhaps if I feel better.
J. Edgar Hoover:
Yes. And you must - you must. We have a great many things to discuss. And now I can't trust anyone else at the bureau right now. I can only depend on you.
Clyde Tolson:
[Edgar walks up to Clyde and holds onto his hand, kissing is forehead]
Thank you, Edgar.
J. Edgar Hoover:
[Edgar leaves the handkerchief in Clyde's hand]
Good night, Clyde.
Clyde Tolson:
Good night, Edgar.
[Edgar walks off and Clyde holds Edgar's handkerchief to his cheek]