casual sad detail

Emilia 2022-12-17 09:29:16

26 episodes, it took me more than half a month to watch it. When I watched it, I always felt that there were many, many feelings about this film but I couldn't talk about it.

Regarding the structure of the story, the plot and other technical aspects, I don't think there is much to write about. I watched two episodes at first, and the inconsequential plot didn't attract me much, but after I accidentally saw Yoko Kanno's name appearing in the title, I wanted to follow the whole story without hesitation.

"Sometimes watching a movie is more like watching word of mouth, and the real-time plot or subject matter is not to my taste, but as long as I see my favorite supervisor, music production, seiyuu, Shenma, I don't hesitate like a chicken blood. "Black Contractor" originally made me a little hesitant, but when the words Kanno ようこ appeared at the beginning of the film, I thought: Ah, the ending song and the episode are really nice... (but really nice), 26 episodes I want it all!" ---- also excitedly posted such a Weibo at that time.

But that's also true, Yoko Kanno's music did not disappoint me. Especially the saxophone tune at the beginning of each episode preview is probably my favorite place. When it comes to the preview of each episode, the name of each episode is very long and very rhythmic, which can be regarded as a major feature of "Black Contractor".

The whole story is like petals that have been torn apart, scattered in each episode, and if you lose some of the urge to chase after a little bit, you may give up. And at first, I just watched it casually with the feeling that I watched it for the sake of Yoko Kanno, until the end of 14 episodes. (Music supervision is very powerful, haha).

Episode 14 was a turning point in my mood for . Seeing Yin as a puppet, a tool that does not produce any human feelings, after hearing the word "companion" from Hei, there was also a hint of movement in his mechanical eyes. When the title of ED sounded, it was Yin. The shot of pulling up the corners of my mouth with my fingers to make a smiling expression, I was actually incited to tears. RieFu's end credits "ツキアカリ" rolled over and over in my iPod because of the unexplainable feeling that this shot brought.

A lot of comments on will have sad words, I guess that's right, whether it's the drama's contractors or the puppets, they are all endowed with the characteristics of "no feelings" and "no dreams". Only make rational choices” and so on, but at the same time they are all transformed from human beings, and human emotions have never disappeared in the true sense. This ambiguous identity makes them have more sadness factors, such sadness is not so obvious but can spread to the deepest. Just like "DBT", which seems to be a casual plot boost.

Just a little digression, saying that this is a BONES production, it should not disappoint in the action shots - of course, I was not disappointed, and the production in the few fight shots was quite smooth. But I have to mention that you don't have to use so much soy sauce for the long-range lens----hey, don't all have a bun face (my Virgo's nature doesn't allow for such shortcomings...). In addition, Mika Kirihara is a cadre of the Metropolitan Police Department, but she doesn't have to dress up and design so much... The uniform (or pants), half-rimmed glasses, nun's hairstyle, and that Dirty briefcase... I said that it doesn't have to be this shape to draw a very rigorous female police officer... I'll take it

back again, the production of the two titles is very good, and the music is also very good ! As for the story... the main line seems to be a bit difficult to understand at a glance. Every two episodes will tell a story, but at the same time, it will bring you a little closer to the final main line. It uses a lot of technical terms of physics and astronomy. To tell the truth, it makes me feel a little bit incomprehensible, but I have followed the development of various characters all the way down.

Ah, it seems that I haven't mentioned the protagonist - Black here. If I have to talk about something related to the protagonist, it is that Hideobu Kinuchi's voice is very good, and he plays the cute side of Xiao Li and the black god of death.

There are also cute things in this play----that is the contractor cat, all kinds of cute and embarrassing states! Hahaha...


This is about the second season (I won't post more)

The first thing I want to say is me I love all kinds of OSTs, whether it's the punchy electronic music or one or two psychedelic songs... all of them, I like them all.

It seems that in a way, the second season is more like the definition of BONES production in my mind: casual but high-quality. The story is good, the production is good, the music is good.

It is still a story that has captured the only remaining emotional bondage. As far as the story is concerned, the beginning and the end of the story, in fact, for me, there is no need to pay too much attention to it. After all, the various fight scenes that accompany the beginning of each OST are already It gave me enough sensory impact, which is enough from the point of view of me who likes to watch action scenes.

Heiyi's scruffy and sloppy image at the beginning was a bit unexpected to me, but I always feel very handsome when I look at him from a certain angle~

Occasionally, there are also colored lines, which should be regarded as appetizers for the screenwriters. , After all, as far as the story is concerned, why would it feel a little boring~

All in all, whether it is the first season or the second season, "Black Contractor" is a good film.

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