Sometimes a movie is a movie

Marcelle 2022-09-07 01:26:13

"At least 5 cameras per scene" (because from the start of building a normal set to the destruction of the set step by step, the shooting is carried out synchronously according to the development of the plot, which means that each scene can only be shot once, and multiple cameras are for the purpose of More timely capture of actors, scenes from different angles, any useful or even epiphany shots...), "Spent a year simulating an upside-down cabin" "Almost all the action scenes are performed by the actors themselves, The expression of fear is not necessarily from the show"...
These are all learned from the tidbits attached to the Blu-ray disc, and what is more valuable is the monstrous waves encountered by the Poseidon - Rouge Wave (crazy wave / mad dog wave... ... various translations) turned out to actually exist in reality! Then I realized that this film is not about the Titanic, as some people said, but more about the excellent works created by a group of artists full of dreams in order to realize a milestone-like dream! From the point of view of a feature film, many "senior" people may be eager to criticize the film in its entirety, but from the point of view of a disaster film, this film is almost perfect - especially after watching the behind-the-scenes footage of the film.
——Don’t always think about picking the bones of sci-fi in literary films, and don’t look for realistic logic in sci-fi films. Similarly, when you can’t objectively look at what it wants to show from the perspective of the film, but blindly imitate it When you have to find irrelevant questions to highlight your high taste and style, maybe you have forgotten the initial touch that the movie brought us. Isn't this a kind of sadness?

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Poseidon quotes

  • Dylan Johns: [after the ship is capsized, to Robert when he asks to go to the ballroom] You suddenly have the urge to go dancing?

  • Dylan Johns: Does your husband...

    Maggie James: oh, does that work much?

    Dylan Johns: What?

    Maggie James: The tentative mention of a husband I'm supposed to correct, even though you clocked my wedding finger twice already.