"You don't exist."

Amara 2022-03-24 09:03:12

After her son's funeral, Emma said to Tankered, "I love Antonio." Tankered's response was, "You don't exist."
This sentence is extremely cruel.
Chitish, far away from Russia, married Tancored of Italy, and Chitish became Emma. Emma said hesitantly, "I can't remember my real name." Such a sad sentence. The name was originally a symbol, but Emma, ​​who lost her original symbol, had no sense of existence, or a sense of belonging, just like losing her own country. What's more, in the face of a husband whose love has been buried by the years, I think the feeling of finding this sense of belonging will become heavier and heavier. She could only resolve it by cooking. Until Antonio gave her that feeling. They roamed between heaven and earth, using the ground as a seat, the sky as a cover, and the flowers and birds as a barrier, enjoying themselves lingering, unfettered and free. The body exposed to the scorching sun made me see two real lovers.
The ups and downs of the music are fascinating, and the pictures are exquisite and luxurious without being flashy. As for emotion, I have my own understanding. It has nothing to do with other people or the purpose of the film, only in its turbulent resonance somewhere in the heart.
In contrast, I prefer the Taiwanese translation of "I Love Therefore I Am", which is appropriate.

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Extended Reading

I Am Love quotes

  • Elisabetta Recchi: Happy is a word that makes one sad.

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