It's not completely cheesy~

Alexys 2022-03-24 09:02:27

Children's shoes who like to watch robbery movies can still watch it. I can't say how good this movie is, but it does have some unexpected plots interspersed in it~
The beginning of the movie seems to be quite ordinary. A group of men in hoods rushed into The bank started robbing money, the little girl rang the alarm bell, and brutal gangsters usually take AK47s and headshots directly, right? But these hooded men are representatives of civilized robbery, so they grabbed the chick to call the media and told the media that the robbery was happening, and then they remained calm. After that, all the exits downstairs were blocked by the police. Doubt it, how are these lunatics going to run? Then, AJ, my rarest handsome guy in this film, appeared. Although he was wearing an ordinary security uniform, he still couldn't hide his enchanting temperament~ This guy directly robbed the helicopter of the media, and then everyone escaped easily and happily. God, this is an unconventional place, it is quite enjoyable to watch~
Then, the little handsome guy plays the piano, and the little black boy proposes to marry him~ Indeed, it is easy to have an ominous premonition when you see this place, thinking that you don’t know When will these two guys have to die, unless the director is someone who is particularly fond of the reunion plot in fairy tales, otherwise this warm atmosphere will generally not be maintained to the end~
Then, the only villain in this film, the rap guy is everywhere. Running around, I made the most important robbery plan in this film, and then everyone thought about where I would go after finishing this ticket, and how I would live in the future. Here, you can know without looking at everyone. The less you get what you get, the more you end up in the end. Usually, few survive, and most of them are cannon fodder. It's like the more ready the gang boss is to abdicate, and the easier it is to hang up when he no longer bothers about the affairs of the rivers and lakes, that is, as the saying goes, the wind and waves have passed, and the boat overturned in the small sewer~
The money transporter did not arrive on time as expected, this At that time, G should let John directly shoot the ghost's head. Does everyone think so? But of course it can't explode. After it explodes, it can't be played. After all, there is still a long story to continue.
After that, we who have watched so many robbery films must think that C4 explosives directly blew down the cash transporter, because almost all robbery films are performed like this, but the director came up with a bicycle at this time. . . Actually such a well-planned plan, because of a broken bicycle, the two money-carrying vehicles did not fall off as planned. . . Is there something wrong? Is this a shit? Hurry up, pack up and run! Then it was John who stunned a guard with his bare hands, got into the car, and then hit the car in front of him, and then he drove off too~ The robbery went smoothly. . .
From Jake's little brother who couldn't support the wall looking at the beautiful girl in the subway, I knew that this product was destined to be a bad thing. But I have to say that I thought that this guy would be caught by the police, and then he would do bad things to everyone because of this, but as a result, the parkour a few times were embarrassing but also very effective, and they were thrown away.
Then there is the gorgeous parabola of the handsome boy AJ who was shot directly by the violence of the Russian guy. As soon as this handsome guy appeared, I felt that his every move was very gorgeous. ~ Well, I admit that there is an element of nympho. . . But well, the little handsome guy is really eye-catching in a small top hat! Then the handsome guy sacrificed for everyone. . . Seeing this, I know that there will be a revenge section in the end~ As expected, the Jake brothers committed suicide, and Jake's fluffy female friend was also decisively shot by the ghost. Well, to be honest, the beauty is on the forehead. I've seen a lot of gunshots, but I'm still not used to them. I thought the death was more tragic. A gunshot was placed directly on the forehead. Every time I saw it, my head hurts. I don't know why. . . In other words, I thought the ghost would take her away, but after thinking about it, it was impossible. With such a sinister and vicious personality, how could he tolerate someone who betrayed him, so killing it is the kingly way!
In the end, G was injured, and john killed the ghost. It was a "sinister" ending, but I really didn't understand it. Uncle police, what are you doing? From the beginning of explaining the disharmony between the police and the family, to the fact that he took his daughter to follow the clues of the robbery, all of them explained that he was a workaholic, except for some law enforcement violence interspersed in the middle, to show the audience that this is not a traditional good policeman who follows the rules. , until the end of the film, his good brother died under the gun of Jake's brother, it should be his anger to avenge his brother, right? However, the time tracking clues of the whole movie were wasted, and in the end, when facing the gangster, he just fell down without even giving a shot of being shot in the front. . . Is there something wrong? Just in order not to fall into the stereotype, in order not to let the audience guess the plot, and not to play like this, right? Director, how can you make Uncle Police feel so bad? It's not that my brain is not enough, I have chased the prisoner, but I just fell down. Is there anything? ! So what is he doing most of the day?
Summary of the last sentence: It’s a pity that the little handsome guy died, everything else is OK~

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  • [last lines]

    John Rahway: We good, brother?

    Gordon Jennings: All signs point to it.

  • Gordon Jennings: We're takers, gents. That's what we do for a living. We take.